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The Meaning of Jannah or Paradise in Islam, Know its Depiction in the Quran

The Meaning of Jannah or Paradise in Islam, Know its Depiction in the Quran Illustration (credit: unsplash) - Have you ever heard the word jannah? Yes, most of us, especially those who are Muslim have heard the word jannah. This is because the word jannah often appears in the Quran and is discussed in religious lectures. So, what is the meaning of jannah?

Basically, jannah is described as the most beautiful place in life after humans die. Jannah is also described as a place filled with blessings for human beings who do good during their life on earth. Yes, in short, the meaning of jannah is often interpreted as paradise.

In the belief of Islam, jannah or paradise also has many types. Jannah in Islam is also divided into several levels. Therefore, it is important for every Muslim to know the meaning of jannah or paradise and its levels. Because it is possible that a Muslim can be more motivated to increase their faith in Allah SWT.

Without further ado, summarized from various sources, here is an explanation of the meaning of jannah or paradise and its levels.

1. Meaning of Jannah

As mentioned earlier, the general meaning of jannah is paradise or a place where humans live eternally while receiving blessings according to their good deeds. The word jannah itself is actually one of the Arabic vocabulary. In Arabic, jannah is the plural form of the word jinan which means 'garden'.

In Indonesian, the word jannah has also been absorbed and its pronunciation has been adjusted to 'janah'. According to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word janah in Indonesian means a garden or the paradise garden of Firdaus. This definition is in accordance with the meaning of jannah in Arabic and more specific as mentioned in the Quran.

In the Quran, the word jannah appears repeatedly. Jannah is defined as paradise and often depicted as a beautiful garden or park. In that place, humans will receive rewards for their good deeds. This is as mentioned in Al Baqarah verse 25 which roughly means:

"And those who believe and do righteous deeds, they are the inhabitants of paradise, they will abide therein."

2. Description of Jannah in the Quran

The Quran repeatedly mentions the word jannah or paradise. As mentioned in the explanation of the meaning of jannah earlier, the Quran often describes jannah or paradise as a beautiful garden or park.

Not just beauty, in the Quran it is also mentioned that in jannah or paradise there are many extraordinary things such as rivers of milk and honey that can be enjoyed by its inhabitants. For more clarity, here are some verses from the Quran that explain the meaning of jannah and the depiction of paradise.

1. Quran Surah Al Buruj verse 11, which roughly means:

"Indeed, those who believe and do righteous deeds will have gardens [in paradise] beneath which rivers flow. That is the great attainment."

2. Quran Surah Muhammad verse 15, which roughly means:

"The example of Paradise, which the righteous have been promised, is [that] beneath it rivers flow. Its fruit is lasting, and its shade. That is the consequence for the righteous, and the consequence for the disbelievers is the Fire."

3. Types and Levels of Jannah

In Islam, Jannah or paradise is a very noble place. According to Islamic beliefs, Jannah or paradise is also divided into several types and levels. Therefore, to complete our knowledge about the meaning of Jannah, we also need to know its types and levels. Here are some types and levels of Jannah or paradise.

1. Jannah or Firdaus Paradise is the highest level of paradise. Firdaus paradise is interpreted as a fertile valley.

2. Jannah or 'Adn Paradise means a place of residence and settlement.

3. Jannah or Na'iim Paradise means a paradise filled with pleasure and silver.

4. Jannah or Ma'wa Paradise means a paradise place of return.

5. Jannah or Darussalam Paradise means a house of peace.

6. Jannah or Darul Muqamah Paradise means a house that is suitable for living.

7. Jannah or Muqammal Amin Paradise means a peaceful position.

8. Jannah or Khuldi Paradise means an eternal place.

Those are some explanations about the meaning of Jannah or paradise according to Islamic religion. Hopefully, it can be useful and can increase our faith as a Muslim. Amiin.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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