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Understanding the Meaning of Everything and Examples of Its Use, Know the Difference with Anything

Understanding the Meaning of Everything and Examples of Its Use, Know the Difference with Anything Illustration (credit: unsplash) - English has become an international language and a medium of science. Therefore, it is no wonder that in Indonesia, English is an important subject and has been taught since elementary school. Years of learning English, of course, make us familiar with the word everything. The word, perhaps, we have often encountered in everyday life. So, what is the true meaning of everything?

In daily life, we almost certainly have encountered the word everything. We usually find the word in song lyrics, book texts, movie dialogues, and so on. In addition to everything, we also know some English words that sound similar, one of which is the word anything. So, is the meaning of everything the same as anything?

To find out the answer, let's just listen to the discussion about the meaning of everything that has summarized from various sources, below.

1. Meaning of Everything

As mentioned earlier, everything is one of the popular and familiar English vocabulary. However, in reality, many people still do not know the actual meaning of everything.
Because it is an English vocabulary, the easiest way to know the meaning of everything is to check it in the dictionary. According to the online dictionary, the meaning of everything is everything, anything, and so on, which have similar meanings.

However, if examined more closely, everything is a combination of two words in English, namely every and thing. If translated separately, the word every in the online dictionary means every. Therefore, in addition to everything, we also often encounter other terms with the word "every" in front of them, such as everytime (every time), everyone (every person), everyday (every day), and so on.

Meanwhile, the meaning of the word thing is something or thing but specifically refers to an object. The explanation of the meaning of everything in its entirety and as two separate words ("every" and "thing") is quite related. When the words every and thing are aligned, it will mean 'every thing' which is more or less the same as the meaning of everything as a whole word.

2. Difference between Everything and Anything

As previously explained, besides everything, we also know the word anything. At first glance, these two words have quite similar sounds, especially at the end which is the sound of "thing". Meanwhile, as mentioned in the explanation of the meaning of everything, in the term everything, the sound of 'thing' represents a word that means something or an object.

While in the online dictionary, the meaning of any is the same as every, which means every, anything, whatever, wherever, and so on which means similar. So, if combined, the meaning of anything is more or less 'anything', 'every thing', or 'everything' just like the meaning of everything. So, does this mean that the words everything and anything are exactly the same? Apparently not.

There is a difference between the words everything and anything. The difference lies in the rules of usage. Everything is used to refer to 'everything' that exists including all physical and abstract objects that can be counted. Meanwhile, anything is used to refer to everything about an object, entity, or idea (that cannot be counted).

3. Example of Usage in Sentences

To better understand the difference in meaning between everything and anything, we may need to look at some examples. This is because the fundamental difference between everything and anything becomes clear in their usage in sentences.

1. Examples of the Use of Everything in English Sentences

- The thieves took everything.

(The thieves took everything.)

- Make sure you keep a receipt for everything you buy.

(Make sure you keep a receipt for everything you buy.)

- Have you been crying? Is everything all right?

(Have you been crying? Is everything all right?)

- We shall do everything necessary to bring the murderer to justice.

(We shall do everything necessary to bring the murderer to justice.)

2. Examples of the Use of Anything in English Sentences

- Did you notice anything strange about him?

(Did you notice anything strange about him?)

- I didn't know anything about computers till I started this job.

(I didn't know anything about computers till I started this job.)

- If he eats anything with wheat in it he's very sick.

(If he eats anything with wheat in it he's very sick.)

- Did anything come of all those job applications?

(Did anything come of all those job applications?)

Those are some examples of the meaning of everything and their difference with anything. Hopefully, they are useful and can answer your curiosity.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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