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5 Ways to Easily Create an LTMPT Account for College Entrance Exams, Follow the Stages!

5 Ways to Easily Create an LTMPT Account for College Entrance Exams, Follow the Stages! Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - LTMPT or Higher Education Entrance Test Agency account is required by new prospective students when they want to take the selection process. This agency provides measured and structured higher education selection facilities. Therefore, as a new prospective student, you need to know how to create an LTMPT account.

Actually, creating an LTMPT account is quite easy to do. You need to prepare the required documents, create an account, verify it, and follow the existing selection stages.

After knowing how to create an LTMPT account, you can use it to register for the National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) and the Joint Selection for State Universities (SBMPTN). Well, to be clearer, you can directly see the following stages and requirements.

1. Documents to be Prepared

Before entering the LTMPT account creation process, it is better for you to know the requirements first. You can see them in the following explanation.

- National Student Identification Number or NISN. If you don't know, please check at

- National School Identification Number or NPSN. You can check this number on the page.

- Population Identification Number or NIK.

- Formal passport photo with a size of 4x6 with a plain background, recommended blue/red with a file size of around 80-300 kb.


2. How to Create an LTMPT Account

Once all the above documents are ready, you can immediately apply the following steps to create an LTMPT account.

- First, please open the page.

- Next, click on the "student" menu. Then fill in the NISN.

- Next, enter the NPSN and date of birth according to the ID card or birth certificate.

- Enter an active email address and create a password for the account.

- Continue by clicking the "register" option.

- If the LTMPT account registration is successful, a notification will appear to activate the account.

- Next, please open the email used to register, then go to the inbox or spam box.

- Well, if you want to directly activate the account, simply click the link sent to that email. then the activation will appear successful and the LTMPT account has been created.


3. How to Verify LTMPT Account Data

Not only the steps to create an LTMPT account, but you also need to know how to verify LTMPT account data. Well, here's an explanation that you can follow.

- First, please login to the page with the email and password that have been created before.

- After that, you can choose the "Student Verification" menu on the Dashboard or the main page of the portal.

- Check the data and enter the NIK, religion, address, telephone number, and other columns correctly.

- If there is an error, you can make changes through the school. Then click "Update Data" and click "Next".

- Upload photos according to the provisions, make adjustments so that the face is clearly visible.

- After that, select "next" and you will enter the Data Confirmation page. Check all the data that has been input to ensure its accuracy.

- Next, click on the declaration column and click "Save Permanently". If it has reached this stage, the data cannot be changed anymore.

- Finally, download the data by clicking on "Download Permanent Proof" and save it.


4. SNMPTN Registration Process

After following all the steps or ways to create an LTMPT account above, you can participate in the selection process to enter college. One of the selections you can follow is SNMPTN. Here are the registration steps or flow that you need to pay attention to.

- Quota announcement.

- LTMPT account registration for schools.

- LTMPT account registration for students.

- Viewing data. LTMPT will inform the number of students who can register for SNMPTN based on school accreditation.

- Schools determine SNMPTN participants.

- Filling out the School and Student Database (PDSS) by schools.

- SNMPTN registration on the LTMPT portal.

- Selection of state universities and study programs.

- Portfolio upload for SNMPTN participants who choose art and sports study programs.

- SNMPTN admission selection process.

- SNMPTN announcement.

- Registration process for prospective students who are accepted into the SNMPTN program.


5. UTBK-SBMPTN Registration Process

Not only SNMPTN, after you apply the steps to create an LTMPT account that have been explained, you can also register for UTBK-SBMPTN by following the following steps.

- LTMPT account registration on

- Login to the created account.

- Then select the verification and data validation menu.

- Select the UTBK-SBMPTN registration menu. Then complete the data such as biodata, select the study program, upload a portfolio for art and sports majors, select the UTBK PTN center, and get a payment slip.

- Make the registration payment at partner banks (Bank Mandiri, BNI, BTN, and BRI). Payment must be made within a maximum of 1x24 hours.

- Print the participant card on the LTMPT portal in the UTBK-SBMPTN registration menu. Then, select the option to print the UTBK Participant Card.

- Follow the UTBK selection according to the schedule and place that has been determined.

Well, KLovers, those are some of the steps or ways to create an LTMPT account for new prospective students who will participate in the college admission selection process.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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