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How to Open Instagram for Beginners on HP and Laptop - Forgot Password

How to Open Instagram for Beginners on HP and Laptop - Forgot Password Illustration (credit: Pexels) - Instagram is still one of the popular social media applications that is widely used today. However, there are still beginners who have just started using Instagram. For KLovers who are new users, there are ways to open Instagram on HP, PC, and laptop.

However, for KLovers who have been using Instagram for a long time but cannot open their account because they forgot their email, username, or password, there are still ways to open Instagram. This way of opening Instagram can also be done easily and practically.

So, what are the ways to open Instagram? Here are some steps to open Instagram, whether for new users or for those who forgot their password and username.

1. How to Open Instagram on HP

The first way to open Instagram is to open it through HP. Yes, for those of you who want to always open Instagram, having the Instagram application on HP is the right choice. Here are some ways to open Instagram on HP.

1. First, please download and install the Instagram application if you haven't installed it on your HP yet.

2. After the Instagram application is successfully installed, just open the application.

3. Next, you can directly enter your username and password in the available column.

4. If so, just click the Login or Sign In button.

5. If there is no disturbance, you will immediately enter and can access your Instagram account as usual.

2. How to Open Instagram on Laptop/PC

Next, here's how to open Instagram on your PC or laptop. Yes, for those of you who regularly use Instagram on your laptop or PC, it will be easier to have the application. And here are the steps or ways to open Instagram on your PC or laptop.

1. First, open the browser on your laptop or PC, then access the website

2. Next, enter your username and password in the available fields.

3. Click the login button.

4. Done, if there are no system disruptions, you will immediately enter your Instagram account and can access it as usual.

3. How to Open Instagram When You Forgot Your Email

Do you want to open an Instagram account that you forgot the email for? Then you can do several ways to open Instagram with a forgotten email. It's easy, KLovers, here are the steps.

1. First, open your browser and go to the website

2. Next, click 'Get help logging in'.

3. Then, enter the phone number you used to create your Instagram account.

4. After that, check the incoming message containing the code.

5. Enter the SMS code that has been sent in the available field.

6. Reset your Instagram password.

7. Once it's successful, your account can be retrieved even if you forgot the email used. Next, you can log in to your Instagram account using your new phone number and password.

4. How to Open Instagram Forgot Username

So, what if you forget your Instagram username? Yes, it will certainly be difficult to log in to Instagram. But don't worry, KLovers, those of you who forget your Instagram username can still open that account. The way to open Instagram that forgot the username is also similar to the way to open Instagram that forgot email. Here are some of the steps.

1. First, open the browser then please go to the website

2. Next, click 'Get Help for Login'.

3. Then, enter the mobile number that you used to create your Instagram account.

4. After that, check the incoming message containing the code.

5. Enter the SMS code that has been sent in the available column.

6. Reset your Instagram password.

7. After being declared successful, your account can be retrieved even if you forget the email used. Next, you can log in to your Instagram account using a new phone number and password.

5. How to Open Instagram Forgot Password

And the last way to open Instagram is to forget the password. Yes, many of us sometimes forget our passwords, especially on social media. Well, for those of you who forget the Instagram password, here's how to open Instagram that forgot the password.

1. First, open Instagram as usual first.

2. Then click on 'get help to log in'.

3. Next, enter the username or email address of your Instagram account.

4. If it's done, then click the 'next' sign.

5. Next, Instagram will send a notification via email. This notification contains password recovery methods.

6. Open the email sent by Instagram. If it's not there, check the spam email.

7. When opening an email from Instagram, you will see a link that will bring you back to log in to your Instagram account.

8. After logging into Instagram, enter a new password. Then tap the 'reset password' button.

9. Done, after that your Instagram account can be used again. You can log in as usual using the new password.

Those are some ways to open Instagram that you can do easily. There are ways to open Instagram on mobile phones to laptops for beginners, to ways to open Instagram that forget passwords, emails, or usernames. Good luck, KLovers.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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