Kapanlagi.com - Nowadays, people no longer need to come to the Dukcapil office when they want to make a Family Card (KK). This is because there is already a way to print Family Cards online that can be done independently. Of course, this will make your affairs easier.
You should know that this service is provided by the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Ditjen Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri). The purpose of providing a way to print Family Cards online is to make the process of managing family cards more practical.
Although it can be printed on plain A4 80-gram paper, this family card still has a QR code that can be considered an online signature. Therefore, the family card is still valid and legally binding.
For those of you who want to make a family card independently, let's directly read the explanation of the way to print Family Cards online below.
1. How to Print Your Family Card Online by Coming to Your Local Dukcapil Office

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
As mentioned earlier, the ease of managing data is greatly assisted by technological advances. One of them is the family card printing service. With this service, family cards can be printed online or self-printed.
There are even several easy ways to do this, one of which is by coming to the Dukcapil office in your area. To be more clear, you can read the steps to print your family card online below.
1. The first step is to come to the Dukcapil office in your area and apply for a family card printout.
2. The second step is to attach personal data such as an active email address or telephone number so that you can be called when the family card data is ready to be sent or has been printed.
3. The application will be processed by entering a signature of approval. After that, the family card will be printed and sent to your location.
4. By coming directly to the Dukcapil office, the family card can be picked up directly or sent to your address if there is a lot of data to be processed. The process is faster, but you need to come early because you usually need to queue first.
2. How to Print Family Cards Online with Dukcapil Application

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Next, there is a way to print Family Cards online that can be applied if you do not want to come to the Dukcapil office and take a queue number. The easiest way to apply for online KK printing is by using an application that has been provided by all local Dukcapil offices. To be clearer, you can follow the following steps.
1. Download the Dukcapil application in your area. Apply for online KK printing. Then fill in the active email and personal number.
2. After the data submission is received, Dukcapil will process your data and verify the electronic signature through a QR code.
3. The SIAK application or population information system will send it online either via email or WA in the form of a site link or PDF.
4. Those who are applying for independent KK printing will receive a secret code to access personal KK data.
5. After that, check whether the data sent is correct or not. If it is, the KK can be printed immediately.
6. Also prepare the KK PDF data so that it can be used when needed in the future.
3. How to Print Family Card Online Through WhatsApp When There Are Data Changes

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Printing family cards online can not only be done through application services or offices, but can also be done through WhatsApp. Usually, there is a specific contact that can be contacted. This contact must be officially owned by the local Dukcapil. How to obtain the information can be seen from their social media information.
Printing family cards online through WhatsApp can be done if there is a change in information such as adding family members or revoking files. Well, so that you can understand it more clearly, please follow the following steps.
1. The first step, you must write down the family card number and also the full name. After that, write down the purpose of requesting the service. For example, updating the latest information.
2. Prepare several documents such as ID cards, diplomas, and other documents needed for information changes.
3. After that, you will get a queue number. The prepared data will be processed. Usually, it does not take long.
4. If the data has been processed, the family card with new information will be sent immediately and ready to be printed. Unfortunately, the sent family card is still in the form of an unverified PDF file. You must come to the sub-district to activate the family card.
Well, those are some of the easiest and fastest ways to print family cards online. You can apply the above process independently.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.