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The List of the Longest Names in Indonesia Registered with Dukcapil Turns Out to Violate Regulations, Why?

The List of the Longest Names in Indonesia Registered with Dukcapil Turns Out to Violate Regulations, Why? Illustration of a baby (credit: - An unusual and the longest name in Indonesia has recently caught public attention on social media! The name is Venushyntha Phauna Pharamytha Tribhuana Adhyndha Phrameswary Dhahaputri, belonging to a little girl who has been officially registered with the Population and Civil Registration Office (Dukcapil).

According to information shared by the Instagram account on March 5, 2025, Dukcapil revealed that the name violates regulations set out in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 73 of 2022 regarding Name Registration.

The post immediately attracted attention, garnering more than 4,000 likes and 450 comments from diverse netizens. Some internet users questioned how such a long name could pass the registration process, while others argued that regulations regarding name registration need to be tightened to avoid chaos in administration.

1. Naming Rules in Indonesia Based on Minister of Home Affairs Regulation 73/2022

Since the enactment of the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) Number 73 of 2022, there are several provisions that must be met in the recording of names in population documents.

One important point in this regulation is that a person's name must:

  • Consist of at least two words
  • No more than 60 characters including spaces
  • Easy to read and write
  • Not have negative meanings or multiple interpretations

With this regulation in place, a child's name that has more than 60 characters clearly does not comply with the provisions. This is the basis for why Dukcapil stated that the name Venushyntha Phauna Pharamytha Tribhuana Adhyndha Phrameswary Dhahaputri has violated the regulations.

2. How Could This Name Be Registered with Dukcapil?

Many netizens are curious about how such a long name could be officially recorded at Dukcapil, even though it clearly violates existing rules? It turns out that the recording of that name most likely occurred before the implementation of Permendagri 73/2022. In other words, that name successfully passed through a recording system that previously did not have strict limitations regarding the number of characters.

However, with the application of this new regulation, Dukcapil is now stricter in monitoring and evaluating registered names. If there are names that do not comply with the provisions, corrective actions must be taken immediately following the applicable population administration procedures.

But, we need to be cautious! Having a name that is too long can lead to various administrative problems in Indonesia. This particularly affects the recording of official documents such as ID cards, family cards, passports, and birth certificates.

3. The Impact of Long Names in Daily Life

A name that is too long turns out to be not only a hassle in administrative matters but can also become a stumbling block in daily life. Just imagine, when you have to fill out forms or official documents that only provide limited space, or when registering for a bank account and online applications that do not support long names.

Not only that, in schools and educational institutions, recording lengthy names can also be a problem. Therefore, with the existence of name limitation regulations, the government strives to make it easier for the public to interact with the administrative system, so that we can avoid various difficulties in the future due to names that are too long.

4. What to Do if Your Name is Already Too Long?

For those of you who have names longer than 60 characters in civil documents, don’t worry! There are several easy steps you can take. One of them is to use a shortened name or abbreviation in official documents.

If your long name is causing problems, Dukcapil recommends applying for a name change according to the applicable regulations. The process starts with submitting a request to the District Court, then continuing to Dukcapil to update your documents.

For parents who want to give a unique name to their children, remember to pay attention to the character limits to avoid difficulties in the future!

5. FAQ

1. What is the maximum number of characters allowed in a name in Indonesia?

According to Permendagri 73/2022, a name must not exceed 60 characters, including spaces.

2. What is the reason for the government to limit the number of characters in a name?

This limitation aims to facilitate population administration and avoid difficulties in recording official documents.

3. What if someone's name has already exceeded 60 characters?

If the name has been recorded before the regulation took effect, it is unlikely to be changed, but new name registrations will follow the existing rules.

4. Is it allowed to use a one-word name only?

No, it is not allowed. A name must consist of at least two words to be more easily recognized in the population administration system.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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