Kapanlagi.com - There are several proverbs that we often hear, one of which is the popular 'bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh'. But what does it mean?
Generally, we know what 'bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh' means. It is a word that can unite people. Aside from knowing the meaning of 'bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh', KLovers can also learn about the meanings of other proverbs and their examples.
So for KLovers who want to know more about the meaning of 'bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh' and other proverbs, here's the explanation along with examples.
1. The Meaning of 'Bersatu Kita Teguh, Bercerai Kita Runtuh'

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
The meaning of 'bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh' is the unity of various elements and differences into one solid and harmonious entity, creating a strong force. This phrase is often used in society, especially in Indonesia which has a lot of diversity in terms of ethnicity, language, and religion. Therefore, it is a suitable expression for the Indonesian people. The phrase can also be used as a motivation for a group or team to work together. Maintaining unity and solidarity is a crucial obligation for all Indonesian citizens as the country consists of various ethnicities, religions, and races. This phrase is significant for Indonesia in terms of preserving and strengthening the nation's independence.
2. Explanation of the Phrase

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As previously explained, the meaning of 'bersatu kita teguh, bercerai kita runtuh' (united we stand, divided we fall) is first to like helping and hitting, and is included in one of the proverbs. There are many proverbs in Indonesia, and these proverbs also have several types that you can learn and understand.
According to KBBI, a proverb is a group of words or sentences that have a fixed arrangement, usually conveying a certain meaning (including idioms, expressions, and similes). Another definition that you can understand is a concise and compact expression or sentence, containing comparison, simile, advice, life principles, or behavioral rules.
In daily use, the meaning of a proverb can be understood by listeners or speakers who are within the same cultural scope. This expression contains implied meanings that function as a subtle way to reprimand so that the speaker is not offended. Next, you can learn the types of proverbs in the following explanation.
1. Proverb
A proverb is a proverb that contains advice. Usually, this type of proverb is used to break the opponent when debating. For example, you can see the proverb 'little by little, eventually it becomes a hill', which means that small and continuous efforts will surely yield results.
2. Slogan
A slogan is a short phrase or sentence used as a basis for guidance (life principles); the essence of an effort, and so on. Examples of these proverbs can be seen in slogans, such as diligent is the key to success, cleanliness is the key to health, thrift is the key to wealth, and so on.
3. Simile
A simile is a type of proverb that compares one situation to another. Its characteristic is that the proverb will take a comparison from the surrounding nature and begin with the words 'like', 'as', 'similar to', and so on.
4. Bidal/Pameo
Bidal or pameo is a proverb that contains ridicule, satire, and warnings. Examples of proverbs include living in awe of death, being ashamed to ask leads to getting lost, like a crab on a rock, and so on.
3. Other Proverbs

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
It's not just about knowing the meaning of 'united we stand, divided we fall', as a proverb. However, there are many other proverbs in Indonesia that can be advice or words of encouragement for us. And here are various other proverbial sentences along with their meanings.
1. Diligently searching, the crop is filled (If diligent, nothing is wasted.)
2. While diving, drinking water (Doing one job while doing another.)
3. Illness strikes, regret comes too late (It is useless to regret something that has already happened.)
4. Prepare an umbrella before it rains (Prepare something before unwanted things happen.)
5. There is no ivory that is not cracked (Nothing is perfect.)
6. Jackfruit-bearing cempedak tree (Getting more than expected.)
7. Fast feet, light hands (A person who likes to help.)
8. Sit low, stand tall (Equal in dignity or position.)
9. Come uninvited, go home without being escorted (Ignored or neglected.)
10. Where the earth is stepped on, there the sky is held up (Respecting the customs and culture of the place we are in.)
11. Above the sky there is still sky (Above smart people there are still other smart people.)
12. Given a heart, asks for a heart (A person who does not know how to be grateful.)
13. A dead mouse in the rice barn (A rich country but its people cannot enjoy its wealth.)
14. An empty barrel makes the most noise (A person with little knowledge talks a lot.)
15. Face down in the ground, lying on one's back drinking water (Together in joy and sorrow.)
16. One year old corn (Inexperienced.)
17. Time is money (Always value time.)
18. Even if a thousand dogs bark, the mountain will not collapse (A person who has high principles and is not swayed by temptation.)
19. The desire to hug a mountain, but the hand cannot reach it (Wanting to have something that is just a dream.)
20. Itchy heart, scratched eyes (Having desires that they cannot fulfill.)
21. Beautiful news is better than a beautiful face (A situation that does not match expectations.)
22. Falling on a mattress (Getting a big profit.)
23. Don't fish in troubled waters (Taking advantage of a sad situation.)
24. Cannot reach the sky, cannot touch the earth (Responsible in completing a job.)
25. The peanut forgets its skin (Ungrateful.)
That is the explanation of the meaning of 'united we stand, divided we fall' as a proverb. However, besides knowing the meaning of 'united we stand, divided we fall', KLovers can also learn the explanations of other proverbs and their examples, along with their meanings.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.