Kapanlagi.com - The meaning of jancuk is often interpreted as one of the curses that originated from East Java. Those who use this term often use it to express their emotions or anger. However, it is not always the case, sometimes jancuk is actually used as a friendly greeting to a friend.
Therefore, in order to understand the meaning of jancuk, it is necessary to understand the context in which the term is spoken. Otherwise, you might misunderstand. The meaning of jancuk that is intended to be conveyed can also be seen through the expression of the person who says it.
So, in order for you to know the meaning of jancuk in various contexts, please read this information. It contains explanations about the meaning and usage of the word jancuk, and this information will be useful in socializing.
1. Meaning of Jancuk

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Although it is often used in everyday conversations, the meaning of jancuk is still frequently asked. Its use as a light curse word makes this term increasingly popular.
By uttering this word, people find a way to release their emotions or simply to mock others, and it can even be used as a friendly greeting. Yes, the meaning of jancuk is quite diverse, depending on the context of its usage.
This term is quite popular in East Java, including Malang, Surabaya, Lamongan, and its surrounding areas. However, now the popularity of jancuk is increasing. It is not only known by the Javanese people, but also by almost all Indonesians.
The meaning of jancuk itself is not much different from other curses, such as sialan, brengsek, or keparat. To find out more about this term, there is information that you can read in the following explanation.
2. Meaning of Jancuk According to Sujiwo Tejo

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
Sujiwo Tejo is an artist known as the president of jancukers.His involvement in the arts is quite extensive.He has ventured into various fields.From puppeteer, musician, to writer, he has done it all.
It is no wonder that he has many fans who admire his work.His storytelling or writings often amaze fans.Especially regarding his way of thinking and explaining something.
The popularity of the word "jancuk" is closely related to Sujiwo Tejo.He even wrote a book titled "Republik #Jancukers". Therefore, he is also called the president of jancukers.To understand the meaning of jancuk according to Sujiwo Tejo, please read the following quote.
"Jancuk" is like a knife.The function of a knife depends heavily on the user and the user's psychological state.If used by a criminal, it can be a deadly weapon.If used by a devoted wife to her family, it can be a cooking tool.If held by someone filled with vengeance, it can be a tool to take lives.If held by someone filled with love for their family, it can be used as a tool to alleviate hunger.
Similarly, "jancuk", if spoken with insincere intentions, full of anger, and full of vengeance, can cause harm. But when spoken with the intention of familiarity, the intention of warmth and fluidity in socializing, "jancuk" is like a knife for someone who is cooking. "Jancuk" can transform ingredients into a feast of conversation and laughter at the dining table. (Sujiwo Tedjo, 2012, page x)
"Jancuk" is a symbol of intimacy. A symbol of warmth. A symbol of ease. Especially in the midst of a hypocritical crowd, intimacy, warmth, and ease of "jancuk" are increasingly needed to search and uncover that hypocrisy. (Sujiwo Tejo. 2012: 397)
3. The Use of Jancuk in Daily Life

Illustration (Credit: Unsplash)
In addition to the meaning of jancuk, you also need to know its usage in daily life. You need to understand the context so that you are not hesitant to interpret it when someone says it.
1. Exclamation
The word "jancuk" or "jancok", and "cok" in the shortened form can be used as an exclamation to express emerging feelings, both negative and positive feelings.
To make it clearer, you can see examples in the following sentences:
- "Cok, gak usah rewel!" ("Cok, don't talk too much!")
- "Wih, apik'e, Cok!" ("Wow, it's good, Cok!")
2. Verb
Jancuk or ancuk was initially used as a verb meaning to have sexual intercourse. However, its usage is not as frequent as an exclamation/greeting. To understand it, please pay attention to the context in the following example sentences.
- "Kancane dhewe diancuk." (A friend was fucked by himself)
- "Kon neng Tretes gawe ngancuk tok." (You went to Tretes just to have sex, right?)
3. Greeting
The word "Jancuk" is also used as a greeting to express anger or show closeness in a relationship among friends. Although it has a negative connotation, the word 'jancuk' will not trigger anger from friends when you use it to greet loved ones. In fact, it can foster a deeper sense of familiarity in the friendship.
Here are some example sentences that you can refer to in order to understand the contextual meaning of 'jancuk' as a greeting:
- "Ojok meneng ae kon, Cok!" ("Don't just stay silent, Cok!")
- "Cok, nandi ae kon?" ("Cok, where have you been?")
- "Yo'opo kabare, Cok?" ("How are you, Cok?")
- "Mlaku-mlaku yok, Cok." ("Let's go for a walk, Cok.")
Well, KLovers, that's an explanation of the meaning of 'jancuk' and how to use this term in daily life.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.