Kapanlagi.com - There are various everyday vocabulary in English that are already very familiar. Like the meaning of months which is certainly often used in daily conversations. However, the writing of months may make you wonder about its meaning. Is the meaning of months the same as month?
To find out the answer to the meaning of months, the article below will discuss its meaning and explanation. Because basically the meaning of months and month are the same. It's just that their usage has differences that can be adjusted to the formula in English sentences.
Well, not only will the meaning of months be discussed. Because there are also ways to express dates, days, years, in English that you need to know.
The explanation of the meaning of months can be seen below. Here is a summary from various sources about the meaning of months.
1. Meaning of Months in Dictionary

(credit: unsplash.com)
Months is an example of a word in English that is used in daily conversations. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of months which originates from English. Speaking of the meaning of months, the word is actually used to refer to a month in English.
Understanding the meaning of months is very easy. Especially since current calendars often use English to indicate dates, days, weeks, months, and years. Meanwhile, speaking of the meaning of months, it actually means a month.
However, the spelling of the meaning of months is added with 's.' Where in English grammar formula, the addition of the letter 's' for time is very common. One of them is to indicate objects or people that are more than one or plural. However, the use of 's' is also adjusted to the appropriate formula and sentence.
Regardless of that, the meaning of months and month are the same, which is a month. There are also those who mention that the meaning of months is for months, which is usually used if the previous word is plural or possession. That is the meaning of months in the English-Indonesian translation dictionary. Very easy to understand, right?
2. How to Express Dates

(credit: pexels.com
It is very easy to understand the meaning of months, as this word is included in everyday vocabulary. After knowing the meaning of months, also understand how to express dates in English. That's why below there are ways to express dates in English starting from the 1st to the 31st.
1: One
2: Two
3: Three
4: Four
5: Five
6: Six
7: Seven
8: Eight
9: Nine
10: Ten
11: Eleven
12: Twelve
13: Thirteen
14: Fourteen
15: Fifteen
16: Sixteen
17: Seventeen
18: Eighteen
19: Nineteen
20: Twenty
21: Twenty One
22: Twenty two
23: Twenty Three
24: Twenty Four
25: Twenty Five
26: Twenty Six
27: Twenty Seven
28: Twenty Eight
29: Twenty Nine
30: Thirty
31: Thirty One
In addition, some people write dates by adding ordinal number information. In several date writings, ordinal numbers such as st (first) or nd (second), th (third) are commonly used, including the following.
First: For the first order.
Second: For the second order.
Third: For the third order.
3. How to Express Days

(credit: pexels.com
Knowing the meaning of months without knowing the names of the days in English is certainly incomplete. That's why this article will also be supplemented with how to express days in English. Where in one week we know the names of the days there are 7. Among the ways to express the names of the days can be seen below.
1. Monday: Senin
2. Tuesday: Selasa
3. Wednesday: Rabu
4. Thursday: Kamis
5. Friday: Jumat
6. Saturday: Sabtu
7. Sunday: Minggu
4. How to Express Months

(credit: unsplash.com)
The names of the months in English are actually similar to Indonesian. It's just that the spelling and pronunciation of the names of the months in English are different. To know how to express the names of the months in English, see the review below.
1. January: Januari
2. February: Februari
3. March: Maret
4. April: April
5. May: Mei
6. June: Juni
7. July: Juli
8. August: Agustus
9. September: September
10. October: Oktober
11. November: November
12. December: Desember
5. How to Express Years

(credit: pexels.com
To mention a year in English, it can be written as year. While to read a year in English, it can be adjusted to the year number. For example, the year 2022 has its own way of reading compared to the year 2021. Well, besides the meaning of months, here is how to express years and some examples.
To express the year 2022, you can say Twenty Twenty Two. While to express the year 2021, you can say Twenty Twenty One. There is also the year 2006, which can be read as Two Thousand and Six. Or if it is the year 1999, you can say Nineteen Ninety Nine. And so on for other year numbers.
That's the explanation of what the meaning of months is that you need to know. So, you won't be confused anymore when encountering the word months in a sentence. Easy, right?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.