Kapanlagi.com - Revision is a common activity when we are writing or doing something. Revision is usually used in the workplace and in college. But what is the meaning of revision? In general, the meaning of revision is a review for improvement of an object.
Yes, revision is necessary KLovers, because it can make work better and perfect. Without revision, we cannot know the mistakes that may occur in a job that is done. For KLovers who want to know the meaning of revision in detail, this article will explain it. Let's check it out KLovers.
1. The Meaning of Revision

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As KLovers know, the general meaning of revision is a review for improvement of an object. The term revision is often used for books, scientific works, and reports in companies. In short, the definition of revision is a process of reviewing the results of work to make improvements or updates.
The main purpose of revision is to improve the writing in books, scientific works, and proposals in companies. Then, the word revision of book writing is a post-writing stage where someone re-examines and studies their writing more deeply to see if there are any mistakes or not.
2. Types of Revisions

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
Not only do KLovers need to know the meaning of revision, but they also need to know the types of revisions. Yes, there are 3 types of revisions that KLovers can know and understand. Here are the 3 types of revisions along with their explanations:
1. Technical Revision
The first type of revision is technical revision. This revision relates to the content of the thesis or research that you submit. This revision occurs if the final results or conclusions that you make are not satisfactory.
2. Non-Technical Revision
The second type of revision is non-technical revision. Yes, this type of revision ensures the accuracy of punctuation and spelling of words that are in the thesis or research.
3. Re-submission
The last type of revision is re-submission. This type of revision is quite serious, KLovers, because we have to redo almost the entire result of the writing that we made.
3. Purpose of Revision

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
What about the purpose of revision? Yes, what is the purpose of revision? The purpose of revision is to improve by making changes to make it better. Feedback is given to improve the quality of the final result in each creative process.
With the activity of revision, a work can show its purpose and intention more maximally. The revision process cannot be ignored, because revision is useful for making a work that we create better than before.
4. Stages in Writing

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
After knowing the meaning, types, and goals of revision, you can also know the stages in writing. Yes, knowing the stages in writing can help KLovers avoid many mistakes in a job related to writing. And here are some stages in writing:
1. Pre-writing Stage
The pre-writing stage is the earliest stage in writing activity. This stage is located before writing. In this pre-writing stage, there are various activities carried out by the writer. Starting from determining the topic to be written. The author considers the selection of topics in terms of whether they are interesting to readers or not.
2. Writing Stage
The second stage of writing is the creation stage. At this stage, the author's writing can begin to develop the framework of the writing into a rough draft. In this process, the author will begin to prioritize the content of the writing over its structure, so that all thoughts, ideas, and feelings can be expressed in writing.
3. Revision Stage
Revision means improving, which can involve adding what is missing or reducing what is excessive, adding supporting information, sharpening the formulation of writing, changing the order of main ideas, eliminating irrelevant information, and so on. The author strives to perfect the draft that has been completed so that the writing remains focused on its purpose.
4. Editing Stage
Unlike the writing stage, which is the revision stage, this editing stage is carried out by the author with the intention of rereading the entire content of the draft or completed writing. In the rough draft writing stage, it has been explained when various improvements and refinements are needed through the revision stage.
5. Publication Stage
The last stage of writing is the publication stage. This writing stage, namely publication, is the final process in the writing stage. At this stage, the author usually starts to dare to send his writing to publishers or companies that publish writing, such as magazines, publishers, and so on.
That is the meaning of revision that KLovers can know more about. Not only the meaning of revision, KLovers can also know the types of revisions and stages in writing.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.