Kapanlagi.com - Never is one of the common and frequently used words in English, even in Indonesian sentences. The meaning of never itself in Indonesian means never. The meaning of never is only one, KLovers, so it doesn't have many meanings like some other words in English.
In addition to knowing the meaning of never, KLovers can also find out what is the difference between never and ever? And an example of a sentence using the word never. By knowing this, KLovers better understand the use of the word never in a conversation or sentence.
Well, for KLovers who want to know the meaning of never in English, here is the explanation along with the differences and also examples. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Meaning of Never

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
As previously explained, the meaning of never in Indonesian language is 'tidak pernah' (never). And the meaning of never in English language is only one, KLovers, so it does not have many meanings like some other words in English.
However, in its adverb form, the meaning of never can also be interpreted as 'endless'. So, KLovers also need to know the meaning of never from an English sentence in order to not misunderstand the word never in Indonesian language.
2. Difference between Never and Ever

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
After knowing the meaning of never, KLovers can also understand the difference between never and ever. In Indonesian language, never means 'tidak pernah' (never). In English sentences, the word never is usually used to indicate a time adverb that means never, where an event or something has never been done by the subject in a sentence.
Never can only be used in negative sentences, KLovers. Meanwhile, in English language, the word ever is used to indicate a time adverb that means 'already' or 'ever' done by the subject in an English sentence. Unlike never, the word ever can also be used in question sentences or positive sentences.
3. Example Sentences with Never

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
Well, to further understand the meaning of never, KLovers can comprehend it with a sentence. Yes, so that you can understand the word never even more, you can see the following sample sentences along with their meanings. Reported from babla.co.id, here are some examples of the word never from English sentences:
1. People in that group realized that Obama had never shut them down. (The people in that group realized that Obama did not shut down their voices.)
2. And I could go five years and never, ever see a homeless person. (And I could go for five years and never see a homeless person.)
3. I asked people to anonymously share an artful secret they'd never told anyone before. (I asked people to share a unique secret that they had never told anyone before anonymously.)
4. And I never had fewer than two-thirds of an audience hold up their hand. (At least two-thirds of the audience raised their hands.)
5. And if happiness is on the opposite side of success, your brain never gets there. (Dan jika kebahagiaan berada pada sisi yang berlawanan dari sukses, otak Anda tidak pernah mencapai ke sana.)
6.Of course, you have to ask yourself, why on Earth was such a list never done before? (Tentu saja, anda harus tanyakan pada diri sendiri, kenapa daftar semacam ini belum pernah ada sebelumnya?)
7.Yet we've never created the opportunity for impulse saving. (Namun kita tidak pernah menciptakan kesempatan untuk menabung impulsif.)
8.For my second project, I have a sensational idea of a jump that never has been done before. (Untuk proyek kedua saya, saya memiliki ide sensasional untuk penerjunan yang belum pernah dilakukan.)
9.And they have to be in all possibilities, including those I never considered before. (Dan mereka harus berada dalam semua kemungkinan, termasuk hal-hal yang tidak pernah saya pikirkan sebelumnya.)
10.As much energy as I put into them while making them, they never danced. (Sebanyak apapun energi yang saya keluarkan untuk membuatnya, lukisan-lukisan tersebut tidak pernah menari.)
11.They'd never made one from previously-recorded materials. (Mereka belum pernah membuatnya dari materi rekaman yang sudah jadi.)
12. They'd never had any information from the Phoenix Islands. (They had never had any information about the Phoenix Islands.)
13.A doctor from Brazil said he had never seen anyone survive a carotid artery rupture. (A doctor from Brazil said he had never seen anyone survive a carotid artery rupture.)
14.We never evolved to navigate in the world of atoms. (We never evolved to navigate in the world of atoms.)
15.When I worked on polar bears as a biologist 20 years ago, we never found dead bears. (When I worked on polar bears as a biologist 20 years ago, we never found dead bears.)
That is the meaning of never that KLovers can know and understand. Not only the meaning of never, KLovers can also know the difference between never and ever, along with examples of sentences for the word never.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.