Kapanlagi.com - The sholawat of Prophet Muhammad SAW is one of the readings that must always be raised by Muslims. There are many times for you to read the Prophet's sholawat. The Prophet's sholawat itself is a reading to pray and praise the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Reading the sholawat of Prophet Muhammad SAW is also a form of worship to Allah SWT. Therefore, there are various privileges for Muslims who practice it. For KLovers who want to start reading the Prophet's sholawat, there are several sholawat of the Prophet that you can read anytime.
And here is the reading of the Prophet's sholawat along with its meaning and virtue. As well as one form of worship that can be done by Muslims.
1. Understanding Sholawat Nabi

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
Before KLovers learn about the recitation of sholawat nabi, KLovers need to understand the meaning of sholawat nabi first. As quoted from zakat.or.id, the definition of sholawat nabi is a plural form of "sholla" which means prayer. In terms of terminology, shalawat is a form of prayer and praise for the Prophet as an act of worship to Allah SWT.
There are three types of sholawat, namely sholawat from Allah, from angels, and from humans or his people. As quoted from zakat.or.id, the definition of sholawat from some scholars is that Allah means giving grace and glory according to Ibn Kasir. If it is from the angels, it means asking for forgiveness, but if it is from his people, it means praying for him to be bestowed with grace and glory.
According to Imam Nawawi, the meaning of shalawat from Allah means to increase glory. There are also scholars who explain that when Allah SWT sends sholawat to Prophet Muhammad, it means that Allah SWT praises him in the presence of His angels.
2. Reading the Prophet's Sholawat

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
There are many sholawat of the Prophet that we can do as his people. The sholawat ranges from long to short and concise. And here are some concise sholawat of the Prophet along with their meanings:
1. "Shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallim"
Meaning: May Allah's shalawat and salam be upon him (the Prophet).
2. "Allahumma sholli 'alaih"
Meaning: O Allah, bestow your shalawat upon him.
3. "Shollallahu ala sayyidina muhammad"
Meaning: May Allah's shalawat be upon (the Prophet) Muhammad.
4. "Allahumma sholli 'ala muhammad wa 'ala aali muhammad"
Meaning: O Allah, bestow your mercy upon Prophet Muhammad and the family of Prophet Muhammad.
5. "Allahumma sholli 'ala muhammad wa 'ala aali muhammad kamaa shollaita 'ala ibraahiim wa 'ala aali ibraahiim innaka hamiidum majiid.Allahumma baarik 'ala muhammad wa 'ala aali muhammad kamaa baarokta 'ala ibraahiim wa 'ala aali ibraahiim innaka hamiidum majiid."
Meaning: O Allah, grant mercy to Prophet Muhammad and the family of Prophet Muhammad as You have granted mercy to Prophet Ibrahim and the family of Prophet Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious. O Allah, bless Prophet Muhammad and the family of Prophet Muhammad as You have blessed Prophet Ibrahim and the family of Prophet Ibrahim. Indeed, You are Praiseworthy and Glorious.
3. The Virtue of Reading the Prophet's Sholawat

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
After KLovers know what the readings of the Prophet's prayers are, you also need to understand the various virtues of reading the Prophet's prayers. There are many virtues that KLovers can feel in doing the reading of the Prophet's prayers. One of them is the closest to the Prophet Muhammad, on the Day of Judgment. The Prophet said,
"The closest to me on the Day of Judgment is the one who most often sends blessings upon me." (HR.Tirmidzi)
According to merdeka.com, based on the hadith of the Prophet about prayer, from Abu Hurairah, the Prophet Muhammad said,
"Do not make your homes graves and do not make my grave a place of celebration, pray for me because your prayer will reach me wherever you are." (H.R.Abu Daud No. 2044 with Sanad Hasan)
In addition, based on the hadith narrated by Ibn Mundah and Jabir, the Prophet Muhammad said,
"Whoever reads prayers to me 100 times a day (in another narration): Whoever reads prayers to me 100 times, Allah will grant his 100 needs; 70 of his needs in the Hereafter, and 30 in this world. And the hadith of the Prophet that says; Increase your prayers to me because they can solve problems and eliminate sadness."
From all the hadiths above, some of the virtues of reading the Prophet's prayers can also be obtained in various good deeds. And here is one of them:
1. Obtaining the intercession of the Prophet on the Day of Judgment.
2. Obtaining forgiveness of sins.
3. Facilitating all affairs in the world.
4. Being cured of diseases.
5. Eliminating difficulties.
6. Calming and soothing the heart.
7. Being elevated by Allah SWT by 10 degrees and 10 of his sins are erased.
8. Being protected from various dangers.
9. Receiving blessings in livelihood.
10. Obtaining the mercy and grace of Allah SWT.
Those are the readings of the Prophet's blessings that KLovers can learn and understand along with their meanings. Not only the readings of the Prophet's blessings, but KLovers can also learn about the virtues in the readings of the Prophet's blessings.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.