Kapanlagi.com - The word urgent is one of the many words that has been absorbed into Indonesian. This is because the meaning of urgent comes from English which is used to indicate urgent, important, or emergency situations.
Understanding the meaning of urgent is certainly important for you to know. Because the use of the word urgent is often used in everyday conversations, both in formal and non-formal contexts.
That's why it's important to know the meaning of urgent which actually has several synonymous words. To find out the explanation of what the meaning of urgent is, here is a review that you need to understand.
The meaning of urgent according to both English and KBBI dictionaries can be seen below which has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources. Let's check it out KLovers.
1. The Meaning of Urgent in the Dictionary

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The word urgent is certainly often used in various conversations, both formal and non-formal situations. But did you know that the word urgent, which comes from English, has actually been absorbed into Indonesian language?
That is why the word urgent in English is absorbed by writing urgen or urgensi. The meaning of urgent or urgen is basically the same. However, it doesn't hurt to delve back into what the actual meaning of urgent is. Referring to an English-Indonesian dictionary, the meaning of urgent is urgent, important, or very necessary.
Meanwhile, if referring to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of urgent written with urgen is that it is very urgent in its implementation and very important. In other words, something requires immediate action, is critical, urgent, and requires immediate attention.
In addition to the meaning of urgent, there are also other words that have the same meaning, namely urgency. Urgency is also defined as an urgent or very important necessity. Usually, the use of this word is often used in formal situations, although it can also be used in casual situations. That is the meaning of urgent in the dictionary that you need to know.
2. Meaning of Urgent and Its Synonyms

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The term 'urgent' also has several synonyms. Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. This means that the word 'urgent' has the same meaning as several other words. The meaning of 'urgent' and its synonyms can be seen below to help you understand the meaning behind the similarity of the word 'urgent'.
1. Crucial: means important.
2. Critical: means critical.
3. Important: means important.
4. Demanding: means demanding.
5. Imperative: means imperative.
6. Essential: means important.
7. Necessary: means necessary.
8. Serious: means serious.
9. Vital: means vital.
10. Immediate: means immediate.
11. Indispensable: means very important.
3. Meaning of Urgent and Its Antonyms

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Meanwhile, it's not just the meaning of 'urgent' and its synonyms that are important to know. Because there are several antonyms of the meaning of 'urgent' that you need to know. So, by knowing the list of references for the meaning of 'urgent' and its antonyms, it will make it easier for you to understand the meaning when encountering this word in conversation or reading. Well, let's take a look at the meaning of 'urgent' and its antonyms below.
1. Easy: means easy, simple, light.
2. Insignificant: means not important.
3. Inessential: means not important.
4. Needless: means unnecessary.
5. Optional: means optional or not very important.
6. Secondary: means less important.
7. Unimportant: means not important.
8. Uncritical: means without criticism.
9. Unnecessary: means unnecessary.
4. Example of Urgent Usage

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After knowing the meaning of urgent and various synonyms and antonyms, your discussion about examples and usage of urgent below also needs to be known. Because there are several examples of urgent usage that make it easier for you to understand what urgent means. Just take a look at the explanation about the meaning of urgent in the discussion below.
The use of the word urgent is usually used in urgent situations. Meaning that the situation requires an immediate response, action, or attention. So something needs special attention and action immediately because it is urgent, critical, urgent, or emergency.
An example of the use of this urgent word is for example a boss holding an emergency meeting because of an urgent situation. This is an example of an urgent situation that requires immediate action. Meanwhile, in English, one example of the use of the word urgent is for example I've got an urgent message from the teacher.
There are also several examples of the use of the word urgent or urgency, such as the urgency of national identity, the urgency of civic education, the urgency of Pancasila education. The urgent meaning of urgency has its own meaning, including the following.
- Citizenship urgency: Meaning the urgency or necessity to realize various things about learning for citizens so that they can have a sense of nationalism and love for their country.
- National Identity Urgency: Meaning the importance of national identity, whether it is beliefs, characteristics, or about nationality that distinguishes it from other nations.
- Pancasila Education Urgency: Meaning the importance of Pancasila education so as not to deviate from the identity of the Indonesian nation as a guide and rule in life based on Pancasila values.
Those are some explanations about the meaning of urgency and other explanations. So that it can make it easier for you to understand the meaning behind the urgent meaning along with examples and its use.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.