Kapanlagi.com - There are various terms of endearment in English that are commonly used. One of them is my dear, which is often used for lovers, friends, siblings, or close people.
The meaning of my dear is actually very easy to understand. This term of endearment consists of two syllables, my and dear. The word dear can mean love or respect.
However, the use of the term my dear is generally shown to lovers or people you love. That's why the word my dear is often used as a term of endearment for someone.
To know more about what my dear means, the following review can certainly answer your curiosity. Moreover, there are several synonyms that have similar meanings to the word dear. Curious about what my dear means and its synonyms? Check it out here KLovers.
1. What is the Meaning of My Dear in the Dictionary

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One of the popular terms of endearment and love for someone is dear. However, what does dear actually mean? Besides the word 'love', dear also has several other meanings. Additionally, the word dear can be combined with other adjectives, such as 'my', making it 'my dear'. So, what does my dear actually mean?
To understand the meaning of my dear, you need to understand the meaning of each word. Because my dear has two words that have a meaning. My means 'I', while dear can mean 'love', 'beloved', 'honored', 'valuable', or 'expensive'.
However, generally, my dear is used as a term of endearment. So, if you look at the meaning of my dear from its original words, it means 'my beloved'. This expression is usually used for loved ones. That is the meaning of my dear that you need to know if you refer to an English-Indonesian dictionary.
2. What is the Meaning of My Dear and Its Synonyms

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After knowing the meaning of my dear, you can also understand various synonyms of the word dear. Because there are many synonyms of the word dear that have almost the same meaning. Even the synonyms of dear are often used in daily conversations or calls for loved ones. Well, here are some synonyms and the meaning of my dear.
1. Beloved: means loved, cherished, or dear.
2. Loved: means loved or cherished.
3. Darling: means dear.
4. Intimate: means spoiled, affectionate, intimate.
5. Expensive: means expensive.
6. Precious: means valuable.
7. Favorite: means favorite.
8. Sweetheart: means beloved.
9. Dearest: means dear or beloved.
10. Honey: means dear.
Those are some synonyms of the meaning of my dear. So, by knowing the meaning of my dear and its synonyms, it helps you to know what other words have the same meaning.
3. Differences between Dear, Beloved, Loved, Dearest

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The meaning of my dear is my love. Although this word is commonly known and used, sometimes you may be confused with words that have similar meanings such as beloved, loved, or dearest. Because some of these words also have meanings to show to loved ones.
That's why here are the differences in meaning between my dear, beloved, loved, and dearest that you need to understand. So, let's take a look at the differences between dear, beloved, loved, and dearest below.
1. Dear
One use of the word dear is my dear. Where the meaning of my dear is my love. However, the meaning of dear is a form of calling or greeting someone who is close, beloved, or loved. Exactly, the meaning of dear is a friendly greeting to someone. This can make others feel valued, respected, or loved.
Well, the use of the word dear can have a meaning of love, which is a term for someone special. For example, Viona is my dear daughter (Viona is my beloved sister). There is also the meaning of dear which means honorable or to. For example, Dear Mr. Hans (Honorable Mr. Hans).
2. Beloved
The meaning of beloved is also a form of loving address to someone. The meaning of beloved is cherished, loved, or dear. These words are generally used to refer to someone you love and care for. For example, the use of beloved in a sentence like "I made a coffee for my beloved" means "I made coffee for someone I love".
3. Loved
Not much different from beloved, the meaning of loved also refers to someone dear to you. So, what does loved mean? It means to be loved. The use of loved is known to be for someone who is loved only. Beloved has a very special meaning, such as a loved brother, and several other uses.
4. Dearest
The meaning of dearest is actually similar to dear. However, the use of the word dearest is meant for someone you love the most. It means dearest is the most cherished. For example, the use of dearest in a sentence like "You are my dearest sister" means "You are my most cherished sister".
4. Terms of Endearment in English

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Apart from the meaning of my dear, there are several other terms of endearment in English. Although in the previous review you already know a little about the terms of endearment in English, below are some other references to terms of endearment. The following terms of endearment in English are also quite popularly used. Want to know what the references to terms of endearment in English are? Let's check it out here, KLovers.
1. Love: It means love so it's a term of endearment for someone you love.
2. My lovely: It means the same as love but with the addition of the word my, so it can mean my dear or my love.
3. Baby: It means baby but it becomes a romantic term of endearment for someone.
4. Babe: It means similar to baby.
5. Sweetie: It means sweetheart or darling.
6. Sweetheart: It means dear or sweetheart.
7. Dear one: It means the beloved one.
8. Angel: It means angel, beautiful, good. A term of endearment for a beloved.
9. My queen: It means my queen.
10. Honey: It means darling.
11. Darling: It means darling.
12. Bunny: It means for expressing love and affection.
That's the explanation of what my dear means that needs to be understood. It's very easy to know the meaning behind the word my dear, KLovers.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.