Kapanlagi.com - The word perspective is one of the words in the Indonesian language. Although it is not a sentence spoken in everyday language, the word perspective is not unfamiliar to the public. However, what is the actual meaning of perspective? In short, the meaning of perspective can be referred to as a point of view.
However, there is a deeper explanation about this perspective. In addition to knowing the meaning of perspective, KLovers can also understand the various types of perspectives that can increase your knowledge of perspectives. And make the meaning of perspective even broader, KLovers.
Now, for KLovers who want to know what perspective means? The following is quoted from various sources, this is the meaning of perspective along with the various types of perspectives. Let's check it out KLovers.
1. The Meaning of Perspective in General

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
As previously explained, the meaning of perspective is a way of seeing. The many perspectives come from human experience in living life. Thus, from these experiences arises a thought that can create different perspectives or views.
Perspective itself is generally defined as a view of an event. According to the modern Indonesian Dictionary, the meaning of perspective is a human point of view in choosing opinions and beliefs about something.
Perspective is also called a point of view. Based on its origin, the meaning of global perspective is a comprehensive and global view, while scientifically, a global perspective is defined as a comprehensive view.
2. The Meaning of Perspective According to Experts

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
After knowing the general meaning of perspective, what about the meaning of perspective according to experts? Yes, the meaning of perspective is not only one, but experts also have their own understanding. However, the meaning of perspective from these experts has the same essence. And here are some meanings of perspective according to these experts:
1. Martono (2010)
The meaning of perspective according to Martono is the perspective used by humans when viewing a phenomenon or a problem that is happening.
2. Suhanadji and Waspada Ts (2004)
Then the meaning of perspective according to Suhanadji and Waspada Ts is the perspective or insight used to see the world from various aspects, namely politics, economics, and culture.
3. Sumaatmadja and Winardit (1999)
Furthermore, there is the meaning of perspective according to Sumaatmadja and Winardit, which is a way of looking and behaving towards a problem or event or activity. This implies that humans always have a perspective they use to understand something.
4. Joel M. Charon
And the meaning of perspective according to Joel M. Charon is a conceptual framework, assumption device, value device, and idea device that then influences our perception and influences actions in situations.
3. Various Types of Perspective

Illustration (credit: pixabay)
And lastly, there are also various types of perspectives that KLovers need to know. Yes, these various types of perspectives can help KLovers better understand perspectives. And here are the various types of perspectives:
1. Wave Perspective
The first type of perspective is in the field of linguistics, namely the wave perspective. The wave perspective is a way of looking at complex language units as a form that can move from the beginning to the end. Simply put, this perspective is dynamic and can change at any time.
2. Sociological Perspective
Then the second type of perspective is the sociological perspective in the field of sociology. The meaning of perspective is an assumption in the form of a point of view used by someone to understand a phenomenon and this is based on the beliefs of the person studying a particular object.
3. Communication Perspective
Continuing with the type of communication perspective. Yes, the type of communication perspective, namely a choice and insight that humans have when they want to choose several communication rules related to their lives. Communication perspective has two special characteristics, namely:
- Several communication rules are a sign that it is the result of a cause-and-effect process.
- Rules are made with the aim of reflecting on the behavior of humans in life.
4. Picture Perspective
And the last type of perspective is the perspective in the field of drawing. Yes, this perspective is interpreted as an art technique used when an artist wants to draw an object in three dimensions on a flat surface. By using the right perspective, the results achieved will look like a very realistic picture and sometimes make people confused about its authenticity.
That is the meaning of perspective that KLovers can know and understand. Not only knowing the meaning of perspective, but also being able to understand the definition according to experts and the various types of perspectives.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.