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The Meaning of Nuzulul Quran on 17 Ramadan, Practices That Can Be Done Along with Its History and Prayers

The Meaning of Nuzulul Quran on 17 Ramadan, Practices That Can Be Done Along with Its History and Prayers Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Every 17th of Ramadan is commemorated as Nuzulul Quran. The meaning of Nuzulul Quran itself is the first descent of the Quran, which was on the 17th of Ramadan to Prophet Muhammad SAW. On this special day, there are many practices of Nuzulul Quran that you can do to get forgiveness and rewards from Allah SWT.

The main guidance for Muslims, the Quran, was first revealed by Allah SWT through Angel Jibril to Prophet Muhammad SAW. Therefore, the practices of Nuzulul Quran that you can do can make you appreciate one of the important days in the history of Muslims.

READ ALSO: Surat Al-Qadr Beserta Artinya, Pahami Makna Dan Keutamannya

And here is an explanation of the meaning of Nuzulul Quran along with the practices that you can do. Therefore, according to various sources, here are some practices of Nuzulul Quran along with its prayer and history.






1. The History of the Night of Nuzulul Quran

Before knowing about the practice of the night of Nuzulul Quran, it is good for you to know about the history of the night of Nuzulul Quran. The meaning of Nuzulul Quran is an event where the Quran was revealed as a revelation to Prophet Muhammad SAW. This is as stated in the words of Allah SWT, which means:

"Indeed, We sent the Quran down during the Night of Decree." (QS.Al-Qadr:1)

The meaning of Nuzulul Quran is an event of the first revelation of the Quran in the world. Nuzulul Quran is commemorated every 17 Ramadan. The meaning of Nuzulul Quran is the process of the descent of Quranic verses in perfecting the teachings of Islam as guidance for humanity. There are two stages in the process of the descent of the Quran:

1. The Quran was revealed from the Preserved Tablet to the heavens of the world in a complete book. At this stage, the Quran was revealed on the Night of Decree.

2. The Quran was gradually revealed through the Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

The Quran was revealed by Allah SWT through the Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad SAW. The first verse revealed to Prophet Muhammad was Surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5 when he was in the Cave of Hira in 610 AD. After this verse, the Quran was revealed gradually. In total, the Quran was revealed for approximately 23 years.

Each verse was revealed to suit social problems, moral crises, religious issues, stories of previous prophets, and wisdom that occurred during the time of the Prophet. The last verse revealed through the Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad was Surah Al-Maidah verse 3. This verse was revealed after Asr time on a Friday in the Plain of Arafat during the last Hajj season.

The event and history of the descent of the Quran are now commemorated as the night of Nuzulul Quran. The meaning of Nuzulul Quran is a night full of blessings. Allah SWT will multiply the rewards of Muslims who worship on this night. On the night when the Quran was revealed, the angels also descended to earth to give prayers to everyone who worships.





2. Prayers to Be Read during the Night of Nuzulul Quran

There are also prayers that you can read on the night of Nuzulul Quran. This can be a very good practice to do on the night of Nuzulul Quran. And here are some prayers that can be done on the night of Nuzulul Quran:

1. "Allaahumma nawwir quluubanaa bi tilaawatil qur aan, wa zayyin akhlaa qonaa bijaahil qur aan, wa hassin a'maalanaa bi dzikril qur aan, wa najjinaa minan naari bi karoo matil qur aan, wa adkhilnal jannata bi syafaa'til qur aan."

Meaning: O Allah, enlighten our hearts with the recitation of the Quran, adorn our character with the nobility of the Quran, improve our deeds by remembering the Quran, save us from the fire of hell because of the greatness of the Quran, and enter us into heaven through the intercession of the Quran.

2. "Allahummaghfir lii wa liwaalidayya warhamhuma kamaa rabbayanii shaghiraa."

Meaning: O Allah, forgive me and my parents, and have mercy on them as they took care of me when I was young.

3. "Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul 'afwa, fa'fu 'anni."

Meaning: O Allah, You are indeed the Most Forgiving and You love forgiveness, so forgive my mistakes.





3. The Virtue of the Night of the Descent of the Quran

For those of you who perform worship on the night of the 17th of Ramadan, you will receive many virtues in this month of Ramadan. And here are some virtues of the Night of the Descent of the Quran:

- Receiving blessings from Allah SWT

- Forgiveness of sins

- Abundant rewards

- And prayed for by thousands of angels who descend to earth





4. Acts of Worship on the Night of the Descent of the Quran

In addition to knowing the meaning of the Descent of the Quran, KLovers also need to know what acts of worship can be done on the Night of the Descent of the Quran, and here are some acts of worship on the Night of the Descent of the Quran that you can do:

- Reciting the Quran

On the Night of the Descent of the Quran, all Muslims compete to increase their worship by reciting the Quran to gain abundant rewards and honor.

- Itikaf

It is an act of worship that can be done during the Night of the Descent of the Quran by staying in the mosque, reciting the Quran, making remembrance, praying, and performing night prayers.

- Increasing prayers for the Night of the Descent of the Quran

This is related to desires or prayers that are already in the Quran. This is important because on the Night of the Descent of the Quran, Allah will grant the prayers of His people.

- Increasing night prayers such as tahajud prayers

This is also one of the acts of worship on the Night of the Descent of the Quran. Before performing night prayers, Muslims are encouraged to sleep after performing tarawih prayers in the mosque. Then towards dawn or midnight, wake up from sleep to perform night prayers.





5. The Practice of the Prophet during the Night of the Descent of the Quran

Aside from worship practices, what other practices did the Prophet do during the night of the descent of the Quran? During the time of the Prophet, he had a habit during the event of the descent of the Quran, which was to read the Quran. It is narrated in the Hadith of Bukhari,

"In the past, the Angel Gabriel always met with the Prophet every night of Ramadan, and then he read the Quran with him."

In addition to reciting the Quran, the Prophet also read the Quran in his prayers. It is narrated in the Hadith of Bukhari, "One night in Ramadan, I prayed with the Prophet, peace be upon him, in a room made of palm leaves. He began his prayer by reciting takbir."

Then the Prophet recited Surah Al-Baqarah, and I thought he would stop at verse 100, but he continued to read. I thought he would stop at verse 200, but he continued to read until the end of Al-Baqarah, and then continued with Surah Ali Imran until the end.

Then he continued with Surah An-Nisa until the end. Every time he passed a verse containing frightening things, he stopped for a moment to pray for protection. From the end of the Isha prayer at the beginning of the night until the end of the night, when Bilal informed him that the time for the Fajr prayer had come, he only prayed four rak'ahs."





6. Procedure for Itikaf during Nuzulul Quran

During Ramadan, Itikaf is commonly performed on nights such as Lailatul Qadar and Nuzulul Quran. On the night of Nuzulul Quran, we can perform the practice of Itikaf and here are some procedures for Itikaf that can be done during Nuzulul Quran:

1. Pray.

2. Recite dhikr.

3. Send blessings to Prophet Muhammad SAW.

4. Read the Quran or Hadith.

5. Do not occupy oneself with useless words and deeds.

6. Hope for Allah's pleasure accompanied by pure intention.

7. Eat, drink, and sleep a little to be more focused.

8. Maintain cleanliness and purity of oneself and the place of Itikaf.

That is the meaning of Nuzulul Quran along with the practices that you can do, complete with history and its prayer. Hopefully, by performing the practice of Nuzulul Quran on the night, our worship to Allah SWT in the month of Ramadan can be complete.






Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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