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Understanding Analysis is the Process of Data Decomposition, Understand the Methods

Understanding Analysis is the Process of Data Decomposition, Understand the Methods Illustration (credit: freepik) - Analysis is a term that is familiar to us. The word analysis is often encountered in daily life, especially in academic activities such as research. Analysis is very important in research. Because analysis is the process of decomposition and examination of data.

In the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of the word analysis is an investigation into an event. The word analysis is also associated with the decomposition or elaboration of a process of study. Thus, a comprehensive understanding of an object or problem is obtained.

That is why it is important to know and understand what analysis is. Especially for those of you who are involved in the academic world. To understand analysis more deeply, consider the following review, which has been summarized from the website.

1. Understanding Analysis

Analysis is a very important process, not only in research but also in daily life. Understanding analysis is not enough just by reading the meaning of the word in the dictionary. To further enhance understanding of the meaning in the dictionary, consider the following expert reviews on analysis.

1. Dwi Prastowo Darminto
According to Dwi Prastowo Darminto, analysis is the process of decomposing a subject and examining its parts, as well as analyzing the relationships between parts to obtain a precise and comprehensive understanding.

2. Komarudin
Meanwhile, Komarudin believes that analysis is a thinking activity to break down a problem into smaller components. In this way, the signs of each component, the relationships between components, and the functions of each component in a unified whole can be determined.

3. Husein Umar
Another opinion is presented by Husein Umar. According to him, analysis is a work process of a series of stages before research is documented in the form of a report.

4. Wiradi
The fourth definition of analysis is expressed by Wiradi. According to him, analysis is an activity that involves the process of sorting, dissecting, distinguishing, and classifying or grouping something according to certain criteria. After that, the meaning and the relationships of its relevance are sought.

2. Analysis Objectives

In research, analysis is one of the most important parts. This is because analysis is a process that will reveal the facts of a data. Therefore, analysis must be done carefully and meticulously in order to achieve the objectives of the analysis. The objectives of the analysis are as follows.

1. Recognizing a number of data obtained from a specific population. The goal is to obtain a conclusion to establish policies, make decisions in addressing a problem.

2. To establish specific targets. The goal is for the collected data to show a more specific and easily understood understanding.

3. Integrating a number of data obtained from a specific environment. This is because a number of data obtained from sources may be different, so further analysis is needed to draw more detailed conclusions and understanding.

4. To choose alternative steps in addressing a problem appropriately according to conditions and needs.

3. Types of Analysis

Broadly speaking, the analysis process is divided into two types. These two types of analysis are as follows.

1. Logical Analysis
Logical analysis is a type of analysis designed to break something down into parts that still contain all the basic principles. There are two types of logical analysis, namely universal analysis and dichotomy analysis.

Universal analysis is a type of analysis that is done from general terms to specific terms. Meanwhile, dichotomy analysis is an analysis according to two separate groups, namely positive terms and negative terms.

2. Realist Analysis
Realist analysis is an analysis that designs an object based on the nature of its manifestation. Like logical analysis, realist analysis is also divided into two types, namely essential analysis and accidental analysis.

Essential analysis is an analysis that is done according to the basic elements that make it up. On the other hand, accidental analysis is a type of analysis that is done according to the existing characteristics.

4. Methods in Analysis

Analysis is a very important process, so this activity cannot be done carelessly. In order for the analysis to produce accurate conclusions, the analysis must be done using the correct methods, by adjusting the type of data. The methods used in conducting analysis are as follows.

1. Quantitative Data Analysis Method
Quantitative data analysis method is done using statistical tools (descriptive statistics and inferential statistics). This means that the analysis is done according to the fundamentals of statistics.

2. Qualitative Data Analysis Method
Qualitative data analysis method is different from quantitative data. This method does not use statistical tools, but rather interprets tables, graphs, or numbers that exist, and then carries out the process of decomposition and interpretation.

5. Steps of Analysis

In addition to the methods, the steps in conducting an analysis must also be carefully considered. The steps for conducting an analysis are as follows.

1. Collecting data.

2. Checking the clarity and completeness of the data collection instrument.

3. Identifying and classifying each statement in the data collection instrument. Identification and classification are also done based on the variables to be analyzed.

4. Tabulating or recording the data in master tables.

5. Testing the quality of the data by testing the validity and reliability of the data collection instrument.

6. Presenting the data in the form of frequency tables or diagrams. The aim is to facilitate the analysis of data characteristics.

7. Testing hypotheses, whether their content is true or not.

Those are some of the reviews regarding analysis as an important process in research. Hopefully, it is useful and can increase knowledge.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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