Kapanlagi.com - In everyday conversations, young people often slip in interesting and unique slang vocabulary. Anjay is one of those words. This slang word has been used by young people for several years and is still used today. Although it has been used for many years, the meaning of the word anjay was highlighted some time ago.
The trigger was that there was one party who saw the meaning of the word anjay as something negative. Therefore, this word is considered inappropriate to be said just like that. Even though it is a popular slang word, anjay is not only used by young people. Anjay is also used generally by children to adults. So, what is the actual meaning of the word anjay that is now commonly used in everyday life?
Well, to find out more about the actual meaning of the word anjay, just read the following review that has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. The Origin of the Word Anjay

(credit: unsplash)
Before understanding the meaning of the word anjay, it doesn't hurt to find out how this word originated. Just like other slang words or terms, the origin of the word anjay is also the result of the creativity of young people. The word anjay is believed to have emerged as a parody of the word 'anjing' (dog).
Before the word anjay existed, the word 'anjing' was commonly used by young people. Generally, this animal name is used as a curse word. The word anjay was then created by changing the ending 'njing' to 'njay'. So it is easier to pronounce and sounds cool. Not only does it sound cool and easy to pronounce, but the meaning of the word anjay is also considered to be more polite and refined compared to the word 'anjing'.
2. The Meaning of the Controversial Word Anjay

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As a newly popular slang word, until now the meaning of the word anjay is still not listed in the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI). Well, because it originated from the word 'anjing' which is considered negative, the use of the word anjay has sparked controversy. In fact, when it became controversial, a petition to ban the use of the word anjay was created.
The controversy over the meaning of the word anjay arose from a YouTuber named Lutfi Agizal. He stated that the use of the word anjay could damage the nation's morals. Not only did he voice his opinion on social media, but Lutfi also brought his opinion to the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA). As a result, Komnas PA issued a statement.
At that time, the Chairman of Komnas PA, Arist Merdeka Sirait, stated that the use of the word could be subject to criminal sanctions. This is because it falls under verbal violence as regulated in Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection.
However, regardless, the word anjay has become part of everyday conversation. Therefore, the opinion of Lutfi and the statement of Komnas PA received a lot of opposition. Many disagree with both of these controversial statements. Until now, the word anjay is still often used in various contexts and situations.
3. Various Contexts of Using the Word Anjay

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Amidst the debate regarding the controversy of the meaning of the word anjay, various assumptions arise regarding the use of this slang word. Many believe that the meaning of anjay should not only be seen from the origin of the word. As a slang word, anjay is often used in various situations. Not only as an expletive, but also in other situations and contexts.
In addition to being an expletive to express annoyance, anjay is also often used to express admiration. In this context, the meaning of anjay has shifted from being originally a form of expletive to a form of praise. Therefore, whether the use of the word anjay is good or bad should be seen from the context of its usage in a sentence or conversation.
4. Other Slang Words and Their Meanings

(credit: unsplash)
Beside the meaning of the word 'anjay', there are still many other slang words that you need to know the meaning of. Because, these slang words are often used in daily conversations. So, knowing the meaning of each word will prevent misunderstandings. Here are some other slang words and their meanings that you need to know.
1) Baper: It is an abbreviation of 'Bawa Perasaan' which means taking things personally. This slang term refers to someone who takes everything other people say or do to heart.
2) Bucin: It is a shortened form of the term 'budak cinta' which means love slave. This slang abbreviation is used to describe a man or woman who is crazy in love. They are willing to do anything for the person they love.
3) Gabut: This word describes a feeling of being idle and not knowing what to do. Gabut is often used by young people nowadays. It is usually used to update status on Instagram story and sometimes accompanied by sad songs.
4) Gaje: It is an abbreviation of 'Gak Jelas' or 'Enggak Jelas' which means unclear or not understandable. This word is used when someone doesn't understand or can't grasp the meaning of what others are saying.
5) Gercep: It is a slang abbreviation of 'gerakan cepat' which means fast movement. This abbreviation is an encouragement for someone to move faster when doing something.
6) Halu: It is a shortened form of 'halusinasi' which describes someone with high imagination.
7) Mager: Mager is a slang abbreviation that we often hear. Mager comes from the phrase 'Malas Gerak' which means lazy to move. This word is more commonly used to express laziness.
8) Mantul: It is a slang abbreviation of 'Mantap Betul' which means very solid. This word is also often used as an expression of appreciation or praise.
9) Kepo: It is an acronym for 'Knowing Every Particular Object' which means someone who is curious about everything.
10) Nolep: This word is a parody of the phrase 'No Life'. This word refers to someone who prefers to stay at home and does not like to socialize.
That is one of the explanations about the meaning of the word 'anjay' which has become controversial. Hopefully, it will be useful and can provide enlightenment to use it according to the appropriate situation and context!
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.