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Aditya Zoni Disappointed with Ammar Zoni, Chooses to Take Care of Father Who is Being Treated in the Hospital Instead of Visiting His Brother

Aditya Zoni Disappointed with Ammar Zoni, Chooses to Take Care of Father Who is Being Treated in the Hospital Instead of Visiting His Brother

Video KLY

Swipe Up to See the Video - Ammar Zoni, a suspect in a drug abuse case, was presented to the media during a press conference held by West Jakarta Metropolitan Police on Friday (12/15/2023) at around 13:30 WIB. At that time, Ammar Zoni, wearing a green shirt with the number 03, with his hands handcuffed behind his back, was seen walking confidently accompanied by several police officers towards the press room. In front of the media, he continued to stand tall. His face never bowed down as if he didn't want to show any remorse, even though this is the third time he has been involved in a drug abuse case.Aditya Zoni, his younger brother, is very disappointed with this news. Moreover, their father is currently lying sick and being treated in the hospital. So disappointed, Aditya, who is now the head of the family, chooses to take care of their father instead of visiting his brother in detention. He intentionally kept Ammar's suspect status a secret from their father.
Mother's Day! Shaloom & Wulan Guritno Exchange Letters, the Contents Turn Out to Be….

Mother's Day! Shaloom & Wulan Guritno Exchange Letters, the Contents Turn Out to Be….

Wulan Guritno's latest film titled TRINIL will be released in January 2024. In this film, the presence of her son, Shaloom Razade, attracts the attention of netizens. It is because the mother and son are playing together for the first time in a film. In celebration of Mother's Day, they both write their hopes and grievances to each other.

Mother's Day! Shaloom & Wulan Guritno Exchange Letters, the Contents Turn Out to Be….