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Civil Lawsuit of Wulan Guritno Against Sabda Ahessa Ends in Peace, Settled According to Agreement

Civil Lawsuit of Wulan Guritno Against Sabda Ahessa Ends in Peace, Settled According to Agreement credit: kapanlagicom - The civil lawsuit hearing of Wulan Guritno against Sabda Ahessa was held again at the South Jakarta District Court on Thursday today (7/3/2024). Based on the agreement of both parties, the hearing ended peacefully. "As mentioned by the judge, alhamdulillah the civil case hearing between our client Sabda and Wulan Guritno has ended peacefully," said Aditya Anggriady, Sabda's legal representative, after the hearing.

The settlement between Wulan Guritno and Sabda Ahessa occurred after Sabda returned the money referred to as a guarantee fund. However, the amount is different from what is stated in Wulan's lawsuit. As is known, in her lawsuit, Wulan Guritno requested Sabda Ahessa to pay a guarantee fund of Rp 396 million plus compensation of Rp 100 million. However, the payment amount is not mentioned.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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