Not Leaving the House for Months, Aura Kasih Contracted Covid-19?
Ifan Seventeen Auctions Favorite Jacket to Help Disaster Victims
Ifan Seventeen is one of the artists who will auction off their valuable items, such as jackets. Read more here!
Not Wanting to Miss Moments, Singer Sofie Angel Presents Latest Single with Tik Tok-style Music
Singer and actress Sofie Angel has just finished recording her latest single. Read more here!
Like Biological Parents, Kesha Ratuliu Bows to Mona Ratuliu at Her Wedding
During the sacred moment, Kesha Ratuliu did not forget to bow to her aunt, Mona Ratuliu. Read more here!
Not Many Invited Guests at Her Wedding, Kesha Ratuliu: This is My Wedding Dream
Kesha Ratuliu is currently happy because she has just held a wedding with Adhi Permana. Read more here!
Enjoy Wearing Masks like Laudya Cynthia Bella and Deswita Maharani
These two beautiful artists never miss wearing masks when traveling. Besides being mandatory, it turns out Deswita also has her own reasons why she enjoys wearing masks.
Now Living in Indonesia, Stephanie Poetri Sleeps in the Morning and Wakes Up in the Afternoon
Young singer Stephanie Poetri has been living in Indonesia for several months now. Find out more here!
Ari Lasso and Team Contract Covid, Experience Different Symptoms - Now Fully Recovered
Ari Lasso and his two colleagues who were also infected with the coronavirus shared their experiences of fighting against covid.
7 Portraits of Rachmania Arunita who Stay Productive During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Gardening and Breeding Worms
Rachmania Arunita, a writer and director, apparently remains productive during the pandemic. Let's take a look at her activities!
Come Back, Director and Writer Rachmania Arunita Prepares Her Latest Film Titled 'KOMA'
Rachmania discusses the plot of the film she will soon work on. Read more here!
Posting a Photo of Her Husband on Duty, Nini Carlina Reveals Worry and Writes a Sweet Message
Recently, Nini Carlina uploaded a photo of her husband, Indra Marki, while he was performing his duties at the hospital.
10 Photos of Rachmania Arunita Raising Worms, One Way to Treat Mental PTSD
Rachmania Arunita has been haunted by past traumas for the past few years.
Upload Tik Tok Video with Wife, Darius Sinathrya Writes Sweet Caption
Darius Sinathrya wrote a sweet and humorous caption when uploading a Tik Tok video with his wife, Donna Agnesia.