Exciting news comes from Bollywood actor and filmmaker, Farhan Akhtar, who is expecting his first child with his wife, Shibani Dandekar. Fans welcomed this news with joy, flooding social media with congratulatory messages after hearing that the couple will soon become parents.
3 Years Waiting, Portrait of Farhan Akhtar and His Wife Who Are Widely Said to Be Expecting Their First Child
Shibani is reported to be pregnant and is expected to give birth to their child later this year. Today is even more special for Farhan, as besides celebrating his 51st birthday, he also received happy news about their growing family.
Farhan and Shibani are currently happy with their first pregnancy, although official confirmation from both has not yet been received. Farhan's fans are increasingly excited, sending birthday wishes as well as congratulations to the couple who will become parents.
Farhan and Shibani got married in 2022 in a simple wedding attended only by close friends and family. Their married life seems harmonious, and now they are awaiting the arrival of their first child.
This will be Farhan's third journey as a father. Previously, Farhan married Adhuna Bhabani in 2000. After separating in 2017, the couple had two daughters, Shakya and Akira, who are always cherished by Farhan. He often shares happiness with his two daughters through posts on social media.
The news of Shibani's pregnancy adds joy to Farhan's life. Now, Farhan is preparing to welcome a new role as the father of his first child with Shibani. The couple is certainly very excited to await the birth of their little one.
So far, Farhan has not yet spoken about Shibani's pregnancy. Stay tuned for updates only at KapanLagi.com, if not now, then when?
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