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Claiming to be an Atheist, John Abraham Calls Fitness His Religion

Claiming to be an Atheist, John Abraham Calls Fitness His Religion John Abraham © - Amid the frenzy of religious fanaticism that plagues many countries, John Abraham chooses to walk a different path. This handsome actor openly declares himself an atheist, considering some religious traditions to be 'absurd'.

However, his stance does not mean he rejects the beliefs of others; rather, it is more about encouraging people to use common sense in understanding religion. John reveals that he has made fitness his 'religion' in life.

1. Fitness as a Lifestyle

During the filming of the movie Pathaan, John received a surprise from director Siddharth Anand. “As soon as I arrived in Spain, Siddharth said, ‘John, you have a scene in the pool now.’ I was shocked and said, ‘Sid, I just got off the plane, I need time to prepare.’ But he replied, ‘No, right in the pool.’ The next day, I was already shooting there,” he told The Hollywood Reporter India.

John does not believe in extreme diets or heavy training just for one movie. For him, fitness is a lifestyle that must be lived every day. “I am always in a ready state, with maybe only a 10-20 percent difference from my best condition,” he revealed. He emphasized that having a six-pack and muscles is not the main goal. “If I have a six-pack, great! If I am fit, even better!” he said. Even when experiencing migraines, he still tries to train with lighter weights, showing his commitment to fitness.

2. The Body Is a Temple That Must Be Taken Care Of

John also believes that there is a community of people who understand the value of this healthy lifestyle. “I am not trying to please everyone. I do this for myself and for those who understand the value of discipline and self-care,” he concluded.

He believes that the body is a temple that must be cared for and maintained. For over three decades, he has gone to the gym every day not just for appearance, but because he truly enjoys the process of staying fit. “I don’t do it out of narcissism,” he said. “I believe that the body should be cared for with discipline, just like one’s faith in religion.”


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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