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10 Latest Photos of Vicky Shu Post 'Disappearance' from Entertainment World, Revealing Being Bullied by Netizens Due to Weight Gain of 86 Kg After Giving Birth

10 Latest Photos of Vicky Shu Post 'Disappearance' from Entertainment World, Revealing Being Bullied by Netizens Due to Weight Gain of 86 Kg After Giving Birth


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10 Latest Photos of Vicky Shu Post 'Disappearance' from Entertainment World, Revealing Being Bullied by Netizens Due to Weight Gain of 86 Kg After Giving Birth

After giving birth to her second child, Vicky Shu rarely appears on television, but some of her activities are still observed through social media. At that time, Vicky was seen having a body that was no longer ideal after becoming a mother of two.

What's the story like? Find out here.


When met in the Fatmawati area, South Jakarta recently, Vicky admitted that her weight had drastically increased to 86 kilograms. At that time, Vicky Shu focused on providing breast milk to her baby, so she needed to consume a lot of nutritious food.

10 Latest Photos of Vicky Shu Post 'Disappearance' from Entertainment World, Revealing Being Bullied by Netizens Due to Weight Gain of 86 Kg After Giving Birth

"I used to weigh 86 kilograms. That was after giving birth to my second child. That was 86 kilograms, but now it's 59 kilograms. I want to be 55 kilograms, but the doctor said that 58 kilograms is already considered normal," said Vicky Shu.


Vicky also shared her experience of having a weight that exceeded the ideal limit, which also happened when she gave birth to her first child. However, after giving birth to her first child, Vicky Shu did not experience a significant weight gain.


"I gained 30 kilograms during two pregnancies. So, after the first child, I lost 25 kilograms, leaving only 5 kilograms. Then, during the second pregnancy, I gained another 25 kilograms, making it a total of 30 kilograms," she said.


"I honestly still have a target of losing 5 kilograms. But thank God I have already lost 25 kilograms, so it's quite good. I appreciate the process and still maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise," she continued.


In addition, Vicky Shu also admitted that she is still following a healthy diet because she is considering breastfeeding her second child. However, having excess weight also has a negative impact on her as she often faced criticism from the public about her appearance at that time.

10 Latest Photos of Vicky Shu Post 'Disappearance' from Entertainment World, Revealing Being Bullied by Netizens Due to Weight Gain of 86 Kg After Giving Birth

Nevertheless, the singer from Cilacap emphasized that she doesn't care much about public criticism. This is because Vicky has been receiving criticism since she was young.


"Don't ask again, there will always be criticisms. Especially when my cheeks were chubby before, and my body was considered thin but gained weight a lot. The bullying was always there. But I have been accustomed to facing it since I was little, because I have never been thin. I have gone through the process of gaining and losing weight many times, so I have become immune to it. So, the important thing is that I focus on my child," she explained.


Therefore, she often feels stressed, so she advises all women who have given birth and no longer have an ideal body. Vicky Shu asks these women not to think about their weight and focus on how to improve their bodies and believe that they can change again.

10 Latest Photos of Vicky Shu Post 'Disappearance' from Entertainment World, Revealing Being Bullied by Netizens Due to Weight Gain of 86 Kg After Giving Birth

"(Stress) Oh, definitely. So, while advising all friends who have just given birth, who are not confident or are criticized because their bodies have not returned to normal, you are not alone. It happens to many people. You must not stress, if there is time, we will try and we will definitely succeed," she concluded.