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10 Portraits of Celebrities with their Wealthy Businessman Husbands: Dian Sastrowardoyo, Syahrini, and Maia Estianty

10 Portraits of Celebrities with their Wealthy Businessman Husbands: Dian Sastrowardoyo, Syahrini, and Maia Estianty

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10 Portraits of Celebrities with their Wealthy Businessman Husbands: Dian Sastrowardoyo, Syahrini, and Maia Estianty

The following celebrities are married to extremely wealthy businessmen. Some of the husbands are already classified as conglomerates. Take Syahrini who married a multi-field businessman, Reino Barack, and Maia Estianty who is married to Irwan Mussry, the watch entrepreneur.

Their lives are closely associated with a view of wealth, because in addition to being married to businessmen, these celebrities also earn income from various activities. Who are they?


Sandra Dewi is married to Harvey Moeis, who is a businessman in the coal, tin, and stock investment industry. Harvey serves as President Commissioner of a coal company. 


Maia Estianty received a proposal from Irwan Mussry, who is known as a luxury watch businessman. The Surabaya native now serves as CEO of Time International.


Syahrini won the heart of wealthy businessman Reino Barack. Since graduating from college, Reino has tried his hand at several businesses in electronic media, entertainment, cartoon characters, and so on. 


Dian Sastrowardoyo sparked controversy after deciding to marry Maulana Indraguna Sutowo. This is because Indraguna is the son of a businessman who was once imprisoned for criminal activity, Adiguna Sutowo. Indraguna himself is the CEO of a conglomerate company in Jakarta.


Nikita Willy married Indra Priawan in 2020. Indra is known as the grandson of Mutiara Fatimah Djokosoetono, the founder of Blue Bird Group, a transportation company. This means that Indra is the third generation successor of this large company. Indra has held the position of chief commissioner, replacing his father. 


Singer Mayangsari married Bambang Trihatmodjo, the son of the late President Soeharto. As we know, Bambang is a successful businessman with several multi-sector businesses. 


Momo Geisha was married to businessman Nicola Reza Samudra from Malang in 2017. Nicola is a wealthy businessman with a main line of business in furniture and sports facilities. 


Nia Ramadhani has firmly chosen Ardi Bakri as her husband since 2010. Ardi is an entrepreneur from the famous Bakrie family who is very wealthy. Until now, Ardi has served as a commissioner in several media and television. 


Jennifer Dunn married a wealthy man named Faisal Harris. As it turns out, Faisal Harris works as a property businessman. In an interview, Fasial Harris was said to have up to 30 assets. 


The senior actress Rini S Bono separated from Ahmad Albar and then married Ricardo Gelael. He is a former racer and also an Indonesian conglomerate in the food industry. From that marriage, the racer and celebrity Sean Gelael was born whom we know. 

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8 Portraits of Asri Welas' Closeness with Her Son who has had Cataracts since Birth, Treated in ICU after Fainting - His Condition Becomes the Highlight

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