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11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

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11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador Amanda Manopo has recently been in the spotlight for her physical and facial changes. As a result, netizens on social media accuse the Ikatan Cinta soap opera actress of undergoing plastic surgery. T

urns out, these accusations have affected her career as a brand ambassador for beauty products.

"If it's just gossip or something, I might be used to it, but this affects my work as a brand ambassador for beauty products and everything," said Amanda at Dermapro SF clinic, Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta, on Thursday (14/3/2024).


These accusations have created distrust towards Amanda as the face of beauty products. However, Amanda asserts that she only undergoes common beauty treatments, not plastic surgery.

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

"It's as if the beauty comes from surgery, so I want to clarify for some brands that I work with so they don't think otherwise," Amanda said.


"But they know that I have undergone treatment and it is very normal to have treatment on the outside but not surgery," she added.


Amanda emphasizes that the main factor that has changed her face is significant weight loss, which also affects her facial appearance to become slimmer.

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

"Weight loss greatly affects the face, jaw, hands, stomach, and all parts of the body, all the fats will disappear," Amanda explained.

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

In addition to weight loss, Amanda also revealed that she underwent several beauty treatments such as Laser Aton Endolift.


"For facial treatments, I'm not ashamed because weight loss definitely affects areas like cheeks," she said.  

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

In the same opportunity, Amanda's beauty doctor, Dr. Rocky Chua, stated that the treatment made Amanda's face appear more slender.

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

"She still undergoes regular treatments, like for example, if Manda looks slimmer, there is definitely a treatment involved," said Rocky.

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

Rocky also denied allegations about Amanda undergoing plastic surgery, emphasizing that from her facial appearance, there are no signs that the Ikatan Cinta actress has had plastic surgery.

11 Portraits of Amanda Manopo Highlighted for Her Facial Changes, Often Accused of Plastic Surgery Affecting Her Career as a Brand Ambassador

"If you say it's surgery, it's not because you can see that if, for example, this nose is pressed, there will definitely be risks," he concluded.