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11 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad Revealing How to Punish Rafathar When Angry or Scold Nagita Slavina, Sent to Orphanage

11 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad Revealing How to Punish Rafathar When Angry or Scold Nagita Slavina, Sent to Orphanage

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11 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad Revealing How to Punish Rafathar When Angry or Scold Nagita Slavina, Sent to Orphanage

Being a guest star on Denny Sumargo's Youtube channel podcast CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo, Raffi Ahmad tells a story about giving punishment to Rafathar. Yes, he tells that Rafathar often gets angry or scolds Nagita Slavina. And at that time, Raffi immediately punished him by taking him to an orphanage. So, how did it go? Check out the photos here.


Raffi Ahmad reveals the story to Denny Sumargo in a podcast on the CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo youtube channel. Raffi tells that he tries hard to educate his children well.


On the other hand, for the sake of the child's well-being, it turns out Raffi also got angry at Rafathar. He once locked his eldest son in the bathroom.


"I have been angry at Rafathar, I locked him in the bathroom when he argued with his mother about anything, well, he's just a little kid, he must get angry, I will definitely get angry. Because I was also disciplined by my father, my late father", Raffi Ahmad told Denny Sumargo.


In addition, Raffi also educates Rafathar to become a man. Raffi and Nagita will provide the best education. 


"So I teach him to be a man, to Rafathar. Because I feel that with Gigi, we give him the best education", Raffi Ahmad said.

11 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad Revealing How to Punish Rafathar When Angry or Scold Nagita Slavina, Sent to Orphanage

As a father, Raffi once punished Rafathar by taking him to an orphanage because Rafathar himself scolded and shouted at Nagita Slavina.


"At that time, I deliberately took him to an orphanage. Because he kept fighting with his mother, I didn't know what to do, so I finally said I would call my friend who owns one of the orphanages, asking for permission to bring Rafathar there, it's okay if he's placed there for a day or tomorrow," said Raffi.

11 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad Revealing How to Punish Rafathar When Angry or Scold Nagita Slavina, Sent to Orphanage

At that time, Raffi was still trying to explain things to Rafathar. However, his eldest son continued to be angry and shouted at his mother, so he was immediately taken to an orphanage.

11 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad Revealing How to Punish Rafathar When Angry or Scold Nagita Slavina, Sent to Orphanage

"I immediately scolded Rafathar saying that he shouldn't be so angry. Come here, Rafathar, there are many people who don't have a mother. Rafathar, who has a mother, gets scolded. That's your own mother. There are many children who don't have a mother and they live in more difficult conditions than Rafathar. Rafathar should be grateful," Raffi continued.

11 Portraits of Raffi Ahmad Revealing How to Punish Rafathar When Angry or Scold Nagita Slavina, Sent to Orphanage

After that, Raffi immediately took him to an orphanage intentionally to test Rafathar's mental state at that time.


"Now Rafathar is with me, and he panicked when I took his clothes. I immediately took him to the orphanage. I intentionally tested his mental state, I didn't immediately put him in. I intentionally did it with him, we prayed first because many children there pray. I intentionally didn't immediately put him in, so he could see first. Then he saw his room, so he was still unsure if he wanted to go in or not. He saw the rooms of the orphanage one by one, where there were children reading books, children studying the Quran. They don't have any parents. We went into the bathroom, of course, he knew what the bathroom was like. I observed his reaction to the bathroom, I intentionally did it. After this, he was still trembling with fear," Raffi Ahmad explained.