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11th Wedding Anniversary, Ardi Bakrie Gives a Sweet Gift that Makes Nia Ramadhani Cry

11th Wedding Anniversary, Ardi Bakrie Gives a Sweet Gift that Makes Nia Ramadhani Cry


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11th Wedding Anniversary, Ardi Bakrie Gives a Sweet Gift that Makes Nia Ramadhani Cry

Today, April 1, 2021, Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie are celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary. Exactly at the midnight, Ardi uploaded a sweet video that contains memories during their marriage with Nia.

Watching the uploaded video, Nia was touched and cried. Ardi hopes that Nia will always love and cherish him, and he will always be the beloved companion of his wife.


Today, Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie are celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary.

11th Wedding Anniversary, Ardi Bakrie Gives a Sweet Gift that Makes Nia Ramadhani Cry

Ardi made a short video containing photos of their wedding memories.

11th Wedding Anniversary, Ardi Bakrie Gives a Sweet Gift that Makes Nia Ramadhani Cry

These beautiful moments are displayed by Ardi and Nia in their home. Ardi chose happy moments recorded in the video.


Starting from sweet dating moments to their togetherness with children. Ardi recorded everything for his video.

11th Wedding Anniversary, Ardi Bakrie Gives a Sweet Gift that Makes Nia Ramadhani Cry

In their 11 years of marriage, Ardi and Nia were blessed with 3 children. One daughter and two sons.


Now their family is happy with their growing children.


When uploading his video on Instagram, Ardi expressed his hope for his marriage with Nia Ramadhani.

11th Wedding Anniversary, Ardi Bakrie Gives a Sweet Gift that Makes Nia Ramadhani Cry

Ardi's very sweet words made Nia Ramadhani cry when she read them. However, Ardi hopes that his wife's tears are a sign of happiness.


11 years together, Ardi and Nia's journey has not been easy. However, Ardi is happy to have Nia by his side, and vice versa.


Happy wedding anniversary to Ardi and Nia. May it last until the end of their lives.