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Expensive Gift from Fans for Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, a Blanket Worth the Price of a Motorcycle

Expensive Gift from Fans for Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah, a Blanket Worth the Price of a Motorcycle Atta and Aurel: - The wedding of Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah is just around the corner. However, the festivity has been felt by many parties long before. One of the parties that can be said to be very enthusiastic is their fans. 

This time, a good intention comes from one of Atta Halilintar's fan Instagram accounts. For their upcoming wedding, the account named AHHA Emak Indonesia has prepared a special gift for the happy couple. 


1. Gifts from Voluntary Contributions

Two gifts that will be presented to the idol are from the contributions of fans that have been made for a long time. The fundraising process is done very transparently.

“We are transparent in fundraising, we share the incoming and outgoing money with the members and we write down who contributed and how much without any coercion. We don't determine the amount of the contribution, it's all voluntary,” he said.

2. Gold-plated Statue

The first gift is a statue of not a very large size. This gift can be considered as one of the most special because the statue of the couple is gold-plated.

“We also bought a pair of couple statues from abroad and they are gold-plated. They have been sent to the idol's house and have arrived,” the account stated.


3. Expensive Blanket

Not only gold-plated statues, Atta's fans also gave a Hermes brand blanket. The price for this blanket is no joke, which is around Rp 26,000,000. Now this blanket has been well received by Aurel.

“We gave 2 gifts, the first one is a Hermes blanket and it has been sent to Mpok Nur through kak @nabilebil and alhamdulillah it has been received by Mpok Nur,” wrote the AHHA Emak Indonesia account.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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