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6 Portraits of Shireen Sungkar Welcoming the Arrival of Baby Ukkasya, Irwansyah's Son, Finally Having a Nephew - So Happy!

6 Portraits of Shireen Sungkar Welcoming the Arrival of Baby Ukkasya, Irwansyah's Son, Finally Having a Nephew - So Happy!

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6 Portraits of Shireen Sungkar Welcoming the Arrival of Baby Ukkasya, Irwansyah's Son, Finally Having a Nephew - So Happy!

As the younger sister of Zaskia Sungkar, Shireen Sungkar has also been waiting eagerly to have a new nephew for the past ten years. Now, Ukkasya, Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah's son, has arrived. What is Shireen's happiness like? Take a look at the photos!


As KLovers know, Zaskia Sungkar finally got pregnant after years of marriage with Irwansyah. Of course, little Ukkasya has been eagerly awaited.

6 Portraits of Shireen Sungkar Welcoming the Arrival of Baby Ukkasya, Irwansyah's Son, Finally Having a Nephew - So Happy!

The person who is equally happy is none other than Shireen Sungkar. She has been accompanying Zaskia since before giving birth. She continues to encourage and calm her down.


Before giving birth, Zaskia had hoped to have a normal delivery. On that matter, Shireen, who has experience giving birth, has a different opinion.

6 Portraits of Shireen Sungkar Welcoming the Arrival of Baby Ukkasya, Irwansyah's Son, Finally Having a Nephew - So Happy!

According to Shireen, Zaskia doesn't need to worry about giving birth normally or via cesarean section because the most important thing is that Zaskia and her baby are safe until the end of delivery.


Little Ukkasya finally safely born. This brings its own happiness in Shireen's heart. She expressed it on her Instagram.


"Such a handsome nephew, masyaaAllah tabarakAllah," wrote Tengku Wisnu's wife briefly. Wow, congratulations Shireen for finally having a new nephew who will be a playmate for her three children.