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Very Happy, Tya Ariestya Gets Birthday Surprise Watching at the Cinema After 1 Year of Pandemic

Very Happy, Tya Ariestya Gets Birthday Surprise Watching at the Cinema After 1 Year of Pandemic Tya Ariestya (credit: @tya_ariestya) - On March 30th, happiness enveloped Tya Ariestya who turned 35. On her birthday, Tya received a simple surprise from her small family, namely her husband and children.

After a year-long pandemic that is still ongoing, Tya finally had the opportunity to watch a movie in the cinema. This was known through her Instagram post.

"Still on the birthday edition, finally watched a movie in the cinema. After more than a year of not going to the cinema, the surprise for her birthday was simple enough from her children's father," wrote the caption on Tya Ariestya's Instagram.

1. Very Happy

Even though she received a simple surprise on her birthday, Tya Ariestya feels very happy to be able to watch directly at the cinema.

"But I'm happy to the core, before the pandemic I could watch movies twice a week because I really liked it & I haven't done it for more than a year", Tya added in the caption.

2. Always Remember Mother's Message

Tya also expressed her gratitude to all her closest and beloved people for the surprises given. In addition, when Tya watched at the cinema with her closest person, Tya still followed the health protocols.

Yes, Tya always #RememberMothersMessage by always washing her hands with soap, wearing a mask, and maintaining distance in every crowd.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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