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Undergoing First Vaccination, MD Pictures Producer Manoj Punjabi More Excited to Produce Films - Reza Rahadian Admits Fear of Needles!

Undergoing First Vaccination, MD Pictures Producer Manoj Punjabi More Excited to Produce Films - Reza Rahadian Admits Fear of Needles! Manoj Punjabi received vaccination together with famous actors and actresses in Indonesia. (credit: Abbas Nugroho) - National Film Day falls on Tuesday today (30/3/2021). To commemorate it, the owner of MD Pictures film studio, Manoj Punjabi, conducted vaccinations together with renowned Indonesian actors and actresses such as Reza Rahadian, Marsha Timothy, Putri Marino, Aditya Zoni, Imelda Therrine, Sonia Alyssa, and Rebecca Klopper.

After receiving the vaccine injection, Manoj became even more enthusiastic about producing quality films and series. Although he will still implement strict health protocols.

"Today we are grateful to have the vaccine on National Film Day. I would like to thank the Minister of Health for his support. The vaccination process went smoothly, efficiently, professionally, quickly, and in accordance with health protocols. So now we can be more courageous in the field. It doesn't mean that we don't follow health protocols, but this is the booster or motivation we need," said Manoj after undergoing observation at the Health Training Center in the Hang Jebat area, South Jakarta.

1. Afraid of Needle Injections

After undergoing the necessary health procedures before being vaccinated, Reza Rahadian admitted to being afraid of getting injected. However, after it was all done, he felt relieved.

"This is our first vaccine here with MD Pictures. The second vaccine will be given on April 23rd. After the vaccine, after 30 minutes of observation, thank God there was no reaction. There were no reactions explained by the doctor. I was just a little scared of the needle before getting injected. But after it was done, I wasn't scared anymore," Reza said while laughing.

2. Do Not Neglect Protocols

Furthermore, Reza Rahadian, representing the Indonesian film industry, invites everyone to dare to undergo the vaccination process. After vaccination, he urges people to continue to adhere to protocols because having a vaccine certificate does not mean being immune.

"In this opportunity, I just want to remind you that the vaccine is not a solution that allows us to engage in activities without wearing masks. So don't misunderstand, just because you have a vaccine certificate, you're free. We don't need another pandemic or wave just to be reminded of how important it is to wash hands and wear masks. Stay vigilant and adhere to health protocols even after being vaccinated," Reza emphasized.

3. Remember Mother's Message

KLovers, don't forget about implementing health protocols. #RememberMother'sMessage while doing activities, wear a mask, regularly wash hands with soap, maintain distance, and avoid crowds. Let's remind each other to protect ourselves and people around us from exposure to Covid-19.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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