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5 Chronology of Luna Maya's Broken Leg & Bloodied Face, Forced to Ride!

5 Chronology of Luna Maya's Broken Leg & Bloodied Face, Forced to Ride!

Celebrity Accidents

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5 Chronology of Luna Maya's Broken Leg & Bloodied Face, Forced to Ride!

Luna Maya recently had an unpleasant incident. She had an accident while cycling in Bali.

What was the chronology? Find out more here.


She said that it all started when Luna fell out of bed. "Well, I knew, I was shocked, reflex because I woke up in the morning and tried to use my feet but it turns out my feet weren't ready. So, the end of my foot was twisted and it made a cracking sound, I remember it clearly. Then I just stayed silent, thinking how stupid I am, I must have sprained it, that's the first thing I remember," she said.


However, at that time she didn't care too much and went cycling for 50 kilometers! "Finally I did physiotherapy, I did normal activities. The next day I cycled, really cycled for about 40 or 50 kilometers. Oh okay, it was painful. The next day I went to Bali with a limp. I stayed in Bali for a week, still haha. The blue color has faded a bit. Oh, it's okay," she added.


Until finally Luna fell while cycling because she was hit by strong wind. "I cycled for 15 kilometers, planning for 50 kilometers. The condition in Bali was very windy, really strong wind. When I passed through a village, I let go of the handlebars, you know, we usually stretch our arms because we're tired. I wasn't going fast at all, just normal. But when I was already holding the handlebars, but not gripping them completely, suddenly there was a strong wind. I lost control, then got dragged. Then my glasses broke, stabbed here (forehead), got torn here (hand)," she explained.


There was a moment of bleeding, Luna said it was okay and wanted to continue cycling, while her friends were already worried. "I was just lifted up, I said 'its okay, its okay. It's nothing, it's nothing. Let's continue, continue, continue. I'm fine, let's continue cycling," she said. "What do you mean continue, blood here (on the hand), blood (from the forehead to the face). What's the point of continuing to bleed like that," Luna continued.


Eventually, Luna went back to the hotel using an online taxi. Because of her injury, Luna was recommended to get stitches. "In my mind, I've never been stitched in my whole life. I still act tough, it's nothing. I'm quite calm, my head wasn't stitched, they put a butterfly bandage on it. Then I saw that my hand was stitched 5 times," she concluded.