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5 Facts about Ashraf Sinclair During His Lifetime Who Now Passed Away Suspected of Heart Attack

5 Facts about Ashraf Sinclair During His Lifetime Who Now Passed Away Suspected of Heart Attack Arshaf Sinclair © Herdianto - Ashraf Sinclair, the husband of Bunga Citra Lestari, passed away today on Tuesday (18/2/2020). Ashraf passed away at 3:40 AM suspected of a heart attack.

Several celebrities also expressed their condolences for the passing of Arshaf. In addition, there are several facts about Ashraf Sinclair during his lifetime until he passed away.

1. English-Malaysian Descent

The husband of Bunga Citra Lestari, Ashraf Danil Mohammed Sinclair, is someone of English-Malaysian descent. He was born on September 18, 1979 in England. Ashraf didn't stay in London, England for long, he became a film actor in Saus Kacang (2008) in Malaysia and grew up there.

2. Restaurant Waiter

In 2003, it turns out that Ashraf Sinclair used to be a restaurant waiter, not only a restaurant waiter, it seems that he also became a bartender at a restaurant in Malaysia. Working as a restaurant waiter for 6 months, he finally got an offer to work in the entertainment world, and immediately shot an advertisement for a product as reported by

3. Role in the Movie Gol and Gincu (2005)

In addition to getting offers to become a commercial model, Ashraf Sinclair finally became an actor in the movie Gol and Gincu in 2005, playing the role of Eddy. Furthermore, the film was continued as a television series on Malaysian television channels.

4. Meeting Bunga Citra Lestari

Starting with Ashraf Sinclair and Bunga Citra Lestari at the Beat TV event. According to, they met because BCL was promoting her album while Ashraf was hosting the event in April 2008.

Furthermore, their relationship grew deeper and they eventually got married on November 8, 2008. Their wedding was luxurious, with BCL receiving a dowry of a 1.5-carat diamond.

5. Passed Away

Eventually, Bunga Citra Lestari's husband was reported to have passed away on Tuesday (18/2/2020) at 3:40 AM due to a heart attack. Prior to this, Bunga did not serve as a judge in a talent search event on Monday (17/02/2020).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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