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51st Birthday, Anang Hermansyah Wants to Protect His Family More from the Corona Virus

51st Birthday, Anang Hermansyah Wants to Protect His Family More from the Corona Virus Anang Hermansyah Family © Instagram/ananghijau - Anang Hermansyah celebrated his birthday on March 18th. Now at the age of 50, Anang feels more grateful and enjoys life.

This birthday moment of the father of Aurel Hermansyah was simple as it was only celebrated at home. However, he admitted that he was very happy to be cared for by his family.

"Yes (celebrated at home), because as a family, we are very concerned about what the government has conveyed. We responded positively to what the government said," said Anang Hermansyah when contacted by, Thursday (19/3).


1. Agree with Government Suggestions

The husband of Ashanty also stated that he agrees to follow the government's suggestion to stay at home. According to him, staying at home is a quick and effective solution to be done at the moment.

"It is very true (to stay at home). And it reduces the impact of Covid 19, the spread will be curbed. And if we look at the development of this problem, its dominant effect is spreading everywhere. This impact is not good for our future journey. If we don't immediately work together to solve this problem. Both the central and regional governments and all of us as citizens. Let's work together," he said.

2. Take Care of Family

Anang also admitted that his family always seeks information and monitors every development of the virus. The A6 family always strives to monitor the health of each member.

"I have been at home for four days since yesterday there was an event at the peak. Until today, I haven't left the house, the whole family. We don't leave the house, we really understand what the government said is something that is very possible for us to do. And that is what I said, it is the most effective thing to do today to reduce the spread of the virus," he said.

In addition, Anang also admitted that some of his schedules and businesses were disrupted. However, he took advantage of it to take a break with his family.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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