The Eid moment is a time to gather with family. Despite being divorced, Rachel Vennya and Okin celebrated Eid together. The antics of their two children, Chava and Biru, are very adorable. Let's take a look at their photos below.
Celebrity Activities
The Eid moment is a time to gather with family. Despite being divorced, Rachel Vennya and Okin celebrated Eid together. The antics of their two children, Chava and Biru, are very adorable. Let's take a look at their photos below.
Adek Chava looks really beautiful wearing a pink mukena, focus on looking at the imam, okay?
The girls' team when praying ied, Chava's facial expressions are really cute.
Chava's Eid outfit, cool, right? Definitely matching with buna, dad, and brother.
Eid is the time for forgiveness. Abang Xabiru is also cool.
So adorable, Chava is learning to say minal aidzin wal faidzin.
Abang and dad look cool, after Eid, where are they going together?
Similar, right? This mother and child. Both look beautiful wearing a mukena.
Let's take a look at the vacation photos of Raffi Ahmad and his family in Bandung!
Ridho Rhoma is released from prison. Read more here!
Haji Faisal's first Eid without Vanessa Angel and Bibi. Read more below.
Haji Faisal's first Eid without Bibi and Vanessa Angel. Read more here!
Ridho Rhoma is free. Read more here!
Mayang, Vanessa Angel's younger sister, recently celebrated her birthday. Her life has been in the spotlight, especially regarding her love life. She has now revealed her relationship status with a YouTuber. Read on for more information.
A lineup of handsome and young newcomers, guaranteed to make you swoon. Let's find out who they are, shall we?
Let's take a look at Fuji's photos when she appears more feminine!
YV admits to remaining focused on the band Dirty Frank despite now attempting a solo career.
This program will take place for 2 consecutive days, namely on May 2nd and 3rd, 2022.
Elma Theana, together with the Indonesian Film Artists Association (Pafindo), held a breaking of the fast event with orphans and also gave donations. Check out the following information!
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