What you don't know, these celebrities apparently have changed their names. The name change was done for several reasons.
Who are they? Let's find out more here.
Unique Celebrity Facts
What you don't know, these celebrities apparently have changed their names. The name change was done for several reasons.
Who are they? Let's find out more here.
Brisia Jodie changed her nickname from Bianca Jodie to Brisia Jodie. "In Idol, I used Bianca, because on my ID it's still Bianca. Brisia is a person loved by everyone in the Spanish language. I like the name Brisia even though it's a bit full, because it's rarely found. Bianca is very common," said Jodie as quoted from Viva on June 29, 2018.
Ahmad Dhani also changed his name from Dhani Ahmad Prasetyo to Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo. The reason is because Dhani ran for the Legislative Candidate Election held in 2019.
Mulan Jameela also changed her name from Raden Wulansari. The name change was made because Mulan intended to run for DPR membership.
Teuku Wisnu decided to change his name to Teuku Al Fatih after converting, because the name Wisnu came from another belief.
Titi Rajo Bintang changed her name from Titi Sjuman after divorcing her husband, Aksan Sjuman in 2013.
Reza Artamevia also changed her name to Reza Artamevira because the meaning of her name in Latin is not good. Nevertheless, she is still known to the public as Reza Artamevia.
Lidya Pratiwi changed her name to Maria Eleanor. The name change was done to start a new chapter after being released from prison.
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