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7 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar in Japan, There are Photos Like Prewed

7 Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar in Japan, There are Photos Like Prewed Portraits of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar in Japan (Credit: Instagram/thariqhalilintar/aaliyah.massaid) - Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar are one of the young couples who often steal attention. This couple, who recently went public, is known to be on vacation in Japan.

They are quite active in uploading portraits of togetherness in various intimate poses. In fact, there is a photo that is said to be like a prewed, KLovers!

Well, curious about the portraits of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar in Japan? Come on, let's see the complete information below.

1. Portrait of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar

The love story of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar is becoming a hot topic. This young couple, who have already gone public about their relationship, seems to be getting closer over time. Lately, they have also been actively uploading vacation photos on social media.

2. Vacation in Japan

Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar are known to be on vacation together in Japan. From the shared photos, it can be seen that they are both deeply in love. Many netizens claim to be happy for their relationship.

3. With Other Friends

Not only the two of them, but Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar also went on vacation with other friends. The presence of Pinka Haprani, who is the daughter of the Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, Puan Maharani, can also be seen. Other celebrities, such as Nagita Slavina, Raffi Ahmad, Yuki Kato, and Yura Yunita, also took photos with them.

4. Equally Cool Outfits

As celebrities, Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar certainly pay attention to their appearance. Because of the cold weather in Japan, they wore thick and layered clothes. Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar's outfits look equally cool, KLovers!

5. Display of Affection

As a couple who have publicly announced their relationship and met each other's families, Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar have no hesitation in displaying their affection. In a photo of the three of them, Thariq can be seen resting his head on Aaliyah Massaid's shoulder.

6. There is a photo like prewedding

Not just ordinary photos, one of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar's poses is also called like prewedding. Initially, Aaliyah Massaid focused more on uploading group portraits.

In the last slide, she finally showed affection with her lover. Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar are seen looking at each other with romantic eyes in Shibuya, Tokyo.

7. Eating Together

During this holiday moment, they didn't miss the opportunity to eat together. When they were at the restaurant, Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar once again looked so sweet. Thariq Halilintar was seen directing his chopsticks towards his lover's cheek while she was smiling.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Aaliyah Massaid and Thariq Halilintar in Japan, who posed like prewedding.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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