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Flower Gift Becomes the Highlight, Here is a Romantic Portrait of Syahrini and Reino Barack Celebrating their Wedding Anniversary in Singapore

Flower Gift Becomes the Highlight, Here is a Romantic Portrait of Syahrini and Reino Barack Celebrating their Wedding Anniversary in Singapore Romantic portrait of Syahrini and Reino Barack (Source: Instagram/princessyahrini) - It has been five years since the marriage of Reino Barack and Syahrini. Their wedding anniversary was celebrated with a large bouquet of flowers as a special gift. Syahrini feels happy to be able to celebrate this special moment with Reino Barack in a simple way.

On social media, they shared romantic photos that received many positive comments from fellow artists and family members. They showed moments of togetherness in Singapore.

These are the romantic portraits from Syahrini and Reino Barack's anniversary celebration, summarized on Wednesday (28/02/2024).

1. Rose Gift

In order to celebrate their wedding anniversary, Reino Barack gave a gift of 300 pink roses to Syahrini. Syahrini felt happy because she could celebrate that special moment in a simple yet meaningful way with Reino Barack.

2. Matching in Black

When celebrating their wedding day, Syahrini and Reino Barack chose to wear black clothes to appear harmonious. The happiness smile radiated from their faces, expressing genuine joy.

3. Intimacy Portrait

In celebrating their five-year marriage, Syahrini revealed a special moment that showcased the warmth of her relationship with Reino Barack.

In the shared image, it can be seen that Reino Barack shows his affection by kissing Syahrini with full attention.

4. Appearing Compact with Sunglasses

By wearing sunglasses, Syahrini and Reino Barack show off their stylish fashion. In a five-finger pose, they indicate that their marriage has reached five years.

5. Arrival of Beloved Mother and Siblings

The celebration in Singapore becomes more festive with the presence of Syahrini's mother and siblings who joined them. A happy smile clearly radiates from their faces, giving a special color to the moment.

6. Where was Syahrini born?

Rini Fatimah Zaelani was born on August 1, 1980 in Sukabumi, Indonesia.

7. What is Syahrini's Husband's Heritage?

Japanese descent. Reino Barack was born on June 21, 1984, to a Japanese mother and an Indonesian father.

8. Does Syahrini Already Have Children?

Although they have been married for 5 years, Syahrini and Reino still do not have children. Nevertheless, they seem to be even more harmonious and happy to be able to vacation together.

9. Where do Syahrini and Reino Barack Live?

This time, Syahrini and Reino Barack chose the neighboring country of Singapore to live in. Since the beginning of 2022, they have been seen living in Singapore, although they have returned to Indonesia several times and vacationed in Japan.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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