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Bored of Playing Soap Operas, Ranty Maria Wants to Act in Web Series and Films

Bored of Playing Soap Operas, Ranty Maria Wants to Act in Web Series and Films Ranty Maria bored of playing soap operas? © Akrom Sukarya - The beautiful actress Ranty Maria apparently has a desire to stop playing soap operas. Ranty Maria will fulfill this desire after finishing a soap opera that she is currently starring in titled IJABAH CINTA.

When met at the SCTV Tower, Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (27/2), Ranty Maria said that IJABAH CINTA is her last soap opera. When asked further, Ranty admitted that she wants to step out of her comfort zone and has already starred in too many soap operas.

"For now, IJABAH CINTA is my last soap opera," said Ranty Maria.

"I have been comfortable in soap operas, I have played so many soap opera titles," she added.

1. Web Series or Feature Film

This lover of Rayn Wijaya also admitted that he needs a new atmosphere outside of soap operas. He also said that he really wants to act in a web series or feature film.

"I want to play in a web series and film that have stronger acting and very mature production. The dialogue in the film is also good (compared to soap operas). I'm like FOMO, really want to see my face in a film," he said.

2. No Time Yet

In addition, this 24-year-old woman admitted that there have been several offers to play in series or films. However, she has not yet accepted the offers because she wants to finish the ongoing soap opera.

"There have been offers to play in web series or films, but I don't have the time because I'm constantly involved in soap operas," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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