Comedian Andre Taulany speaks out about the summons filed by Ndhank Surahman Hartono, former bassist of Stinky. Andre admitted to being confused about the basis for Ndhank's demand for Rp 35 billion. Check out the full information below.
Comedian Andre Taulany speaks out about the summons filed by Ndhank Surahman Hartono, former bassist of Stinky. Andre admitted to being confused about the basis for Ndhank's demand for Rp 35 billion. Check out the full information below.
"Compensation for what? What did I do," said Andre when met in the Ciputat area, South Tangerang, Tuesday (9/1/2024).
As far as Andre knows, royalties have been received by Ndhank for the songs created while still a member of Stinky. Therefore, the summons filed by Ndhank is unfounded.
"The evidence is there, if there is no data, don't just talk without clear evidence, Ndank Irwan has signed the royalty payment and it has definitely been paid," he said.
"Since the beginning, Stinky has always received royalty payments, even until now. If someone says they didn't receive the royalty, it's a lie," Andre added.
All this time, Andre admits that he rarely performs the single 'Mungkinkah'. But when he had the chance to form ATF (Andren Taulany and Friends) and perform singles from others, including 'Mungkinkah', Andre has fulfilled his obligations.
"I just started ATF recently and I have only performed twice. If it's considered that I have performed 'Mungkinkah', then I have paid, I have followed the rules. I am not a thief, I am not reckless, I follow all the rules and the event organizer has also paid the copyright for the song through LMKN, etc," Andre explained.
Andre himself admitted confusion as to why Ndhank sent a summons to him. Even though Andre has not been a part of the Stinky band for a long time.
"I'm no longer in Stinky, so I'm also confused why I'm being summoned, why I'm being prohibited, rarely performing, you know my job is just joking around, commander, when will I perform," Andre concluded.
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