Happy news came from Hanggini, she officially married Luthfi Aulia. They had an on-and-off relationship, but it finally led to the wedding ceremony. Check out the happy and sacred moments of Luthfi and Hanggini below!
Celebrity Activities
Happy news came from Hanggini, she officially married Luthfi Aulia. They had an on-and-off relationship, but it finally led to the wedding ceremony. Check out the happy and sacred moments of Luthfi and Hanggini below!
The news of Hanggini and Luthfi Aulia's wedding has made many people happy and touched. Many have followed their love journey, to the point of being moved to tears, are you one of them, KLovers?
Both have been in a relationship for quite a long time, since 2016. Luthfi, who is affectionately called Upi, and Hanggini, often called Jeha, are said to be couple goals by netizens.
They had broken up before, but in 2022 they got back together and became more romantic. Luthfi even created a song for his beloved titled 'Langit Favorit' when they got back together.
Surprisingly, on Saturday (2/12/2023), Jeha and Upi officially got married. Their wedding ceremony was strongly influenced by Minang customs, and Jeha looked beautiful and stunning.
On the same day, Luthfi and Hanggini held a reception. They both looked harmonious wearing all-white attire. Hanggini and Luthfi's wedding was not extravagant, they only invited their closest friends and family.
Luthfi and Hanggini have a considerable age gap. Luthfi is 30 years old and Jeha is 24 years old, but they both look very harmonious together. The groom refuses to look too old.
Hanggini looks very charming and adorable in a white dress. She even looks petite during the reception because she chose to wear flats instead of heels.
On this special day, Luthfi and Hanggini also released a duet song titled 'Selalu Bahagi, Ya' (Always Happy, Yes). This newlywed couple becomes even more romantic. Once again, congratulations to Hanggini and Luthfi, may their love last until death separates them.
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Hanggini and Luthfi Aulia officially got married on Saturday (2/12/2023). They caused a stir in the public because of this happy news. Read more for further information!
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