Mayang and Chika, Vanessa Angel's siblings, are apparently preparing a special performance for their late sister. At the 40-day commemoration event to be held on December 13th, they will sing while playing the guitar. So, what does their vocal training look like? Let's take a peek!
8 Portraits of Mayang and Chika Practicing Vocal, Will Sing While Playing Guitar at the 40-Day Commemoration of Vanessa Angel's Death
Celebrity Death
This is a portrait of Chika and Mayang, Vanessa Angel's younger siblings who have been in the spotlight due to their decision to debut as singers shortly after their sister's departure.
Once becoming the target of netizens, now both of them are practicing their vocals again in preparation for their performance at the 40-day memorial event for Vanessa Angel.
Yup, after the memorial event held on December 13th, these siblings will sing a song intended as a final dedication.
Not only singing, Chika and Mayang will also play the guitar after learning directly as self-taught under the guidance of Doddy Sudrajat.
During the performance, Mayang and Chika's voices will accompany a video of memories featuring Vanessa Angel during her lifetime.
"We practice vocal for 40 days Kak Vanes. It's also our last tribute to the deceased. Later, there will also be a slide of the deceased's photos," said Mayang, who was met in the Pandemangan area, Central Jakarta, on Wednesday (1/12).
When asked about their new activities, Mayang and Chika unanimously answered that they are not doing this out of opportunism.
This final tribute is their own desire without any coercion from anyone, including their father, Doddy Sudrajat.
Click here for the photos!
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