Tiara Savitri, the eldest daughter of Mulan Jameela, has a very beautiful and charming face. She has been in a relationship with Atalla Wahid, a member of the Gus Dur family, for a long time. Check out their incredibly lasting portraits.
Celebrity Children
Tiara Savitri, the eldest daughter of Mulan Jameela, has a very beautiful and charming face. She has been in a relationship with Atalla Wahid, a member of the Gus Dur family, for a long time. Check out their incredibly lasting portraits.
Ahmad Dhani's stepdaughter, Tiara Savitri, has a captivatingly beautiful face. Although she always steals attention, Tiara's life is not often highlighted by the public.
Who would have thought, Tiara actually already has a beloved named Atalla Wahid. Although they rarely post lovey-dovey moments on social media, the two are very much in a lasting relationship.
From several posts on Atalla's Instagram, it seems they have been in a relationship for quite a long time, specifically since high school.
They have always been growing together towards maturity until now. Now Atalla and Tiara are even more charming, don't they look like couple goals yet?
Atalla Wahid is not an ordinary person, he is part of Gus Dur's family. KLovers must just be finding this out, right?
Tiara is already close to Atalla's family, even attending the engagement moment of her lover's sibling. This couple is so adorable.
Atalla has also attended important family moments of Tiara several times. He is also close to the parents and siblings of his girlfriend.
Having been in a relationship for a long time, Ahmad Dhani and Atalla's father have a good relationship. This couple has been together for 24 years, so when are they planning to get married?
Edward Akbar now claims it's difficult to meet his children after the divorce lawsuit.
Tora Sudiro admitted that it wasn't too hard to let his daughter marry because of this.
This 48-year-old woman emphasizes that all the business lines she owns will be inherited by her three children, namely Al, El, and Dul. Check out the full story!
After separating, Tora Sudiro & Anggraini Kadiman, his ex-wife, are united in the happy moment of their child.
Yuni Shara's eldest child has just turned 22 years old. Here are sweet moments of Yuni Shara and her son over time.
The beautiful charm of Tiara Savitri, Mulan Jameela's daughter, is praised by netizens. Check out her photos, who is apparently dating a member of the Gus Dur family.
Due to her closeness with her father, Harleyava Princy has faced criticism from netizens. In response to this, Ferry Maryadi's daughter gave a striking answer. Check here for the full story, KLovers.
What are the results of the newborn photoshoot of Erick Iskandar and Vanessa Lima's second baby? Let's take a peek!
Amel, the eldest daughter of Ussy Sulistiawaty, was seen watching the concert with her two younger sisters. Curious about what her photos look like?
Denny Sumargo and his wife, Olivia Allan, have just welcomed the birth of their first child. Check out the interesting story from Denny Sumargo below!
Atta Halilintar has just shared portraits of Ameena and Azura who look like twins in mukena. Curious to see what they look like?
Recently, Mikhayla participated in the commemoration ceremony of Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day. Mikhayla appeared simple with a style very similar to her mother, Nia Ramadhani.