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9 Intimate Photos of Winda Viska and Mulyadi Tan, 8 Years of Marriage Far from Gossip - Now Her Husband is Investigated by the KPK

9 Intimate Photos of Winda Viska and Mulyadi Tan, 8 Years of Marriage Far from Gossip - Now Her Husband is Investigated by the KPK


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9 Intimate Photos of Winda Viska and Mulyadi Tan, 8 Years of Marriage Far from Gossip - Now Her Husband is Investigated by the KPK

Do you still remember KLovers with Winda Viska, the actress who played Saschya OB? Long time no see on the screen, Winda apparently chose to focus on taking care of her husband and family. She married Mulyadi Tan on October 31, 2003. For almost 8 years of marriage, Winda Viska and Mulyadi Tan's family has been far from gossip. Let's take a look at their intimacy, KLovers!


Since marrying Mulyadi Tan, Winda Viska chose to take a break from the entertainment world that made her name famous.


As a wife, Winda Viska seems to want to give full attention to Mulyadi Tan and their child.

9 Intimate Photos of Winda Viska and Mulyadi Tan, 8 Years of Marriage Far from Gossip - Now Her Husband is Investigated by the KPK

Winda Viska often shares portraits of her and her husband and children on her personal Instagram.


Having been blessed with 3 children, Winda Viska and Mulyadi Tan still always find time for each other. Whether it's for a short vacation or just a dinner for two.


Although they have been married for 8 years, Winda and Mulyadi Tan still appear affectionate. Their family is far from scandalous gossip.

9 Intimate Photos of Winda Viska and Mulyadi Tan, 8 Years of Marriage Far from Gossip - Now Her Husband is Investigated by the KPK

However, recently Winda Viska's husband's name has been widely discussed as he was called by the KPK.


Mulyadi Tan is known as a businessman. He now holds the position of Commissioner of PT Bintan Erlangga Eka Raharja.


The man who is familiarly called Ahi was examined as a witness by the KPK in the corruption case of Apri Sujadi.


Until now, Winda Viska seems to have not given any comments regarding the incident experienced by her husband.