Business is indeed inseparable from the figure of Mama Rieta Amilia. This time, she is building a comfortable restaurant called Rietzstar.
What does it look like? Find out more here.
Business is indeed inseparable from the figure of Mama Rieta Amilia. This time, she is building a comfortable restaurant called Rietzstar.
What does it look like? Find out more here.
Rieta Amilia is known to have many businesses. The latest one is a restaurant business called Rietztar.
This restaurant is newly built and located at the International Financial Centre.
Photos of the interior of the restaurant that is quite comfortable for enjoying meals.
He invited several famous chefs from the country to cook in his restaurant.
In addition, Mami Rieta also recruited foreign chefs to make the menu more varied.
Some delicious food menus are also served here, ranging from local to western.
Because it is still in the pandemic period, guests also apply health protocols when inside the restaurant.
This restaurant also offers live cooking that shows how the food is cooked by the chef.
In addition to the comfortable ambiance, visitors will also be served delicious food at this restaurant.
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