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9 Pictures of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's Luxury House, Classic Concept - There is a Spacious Pavilion in the Garden

9 Pictures of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's Luxury House, Classic Concept - There is a Spacious Pavilion in the Garden


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9 Pictures of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's Luxury House, Classic Concept - There is a Spacious Pavilion in the Garden

Celebrity houses are always an interesting topic to discuss. This time, KLovers will be invited to peek into several corners of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's luxury house. This couple, who have been married for more than 20 years, have a house with a classic concept dominated by wooden furniture. Curious about what it looks like? Let's directly slide through the photos.


Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's house is revealed in a video uploaded on Mayangsari's Youtube channel.

9 Pictures of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's Luxury House, Classic Concept - There is a Spacious Pavilion in the Garden

At that time, Mayangsari visited Anjasmara and Dian's house, who are none other than her long-time friends.

9 Pictures of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's Luxury House, Classic Concept - There is a Spacious Pavilion in the Garden

The classic atmosphere is immediately felt from Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's luxurious house. Wooden touches dominate their home.


A spacious garden is located within Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's house. Mayangsari even feels like she is not in Jakarta because of the refreshing atmosphere of her friend's house.


The presence of Dian Nitami's collection of ornamental plants adds to the refreshing impression of the house.


In the middle of the spacious garden, Anjasmara and Dian Nitami have built a comfortable pavilion with a decent size.


A large swimming pool complements the facilities in Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's luxury home.

9 Pictures of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's Luxury House, Classic Concept - There is a Spacious Pavilion in the Garden

Anjasmara also showed his workspace and art gallery. It is located separately from the main house building.

9 Pictures of Anjasmara and Dian Nitami's Luxury House, Classic Concept - There is a Spacious Pavilion in the Garden

It is in this room that Anjasmara keeps various collections of his favorite paintings.

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Long Disappearance After Confrontation with Shafa Harris, 8 Latest News of Jennifer Dunn Who Looks More Beautiful - Her Stomach Attracts Attention

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