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9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

Celebrity Children

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9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta are currently facing challenges as parents. Baby Shaquille is experiencing digestive problems and high fever, requiring hospitalization. After investigation, it turns out that the decline in Baby Shaquille's health condition is related to the negligence of the babysitter who took care of him. Check out the photos in the following slide.

9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

As a mother, Ratu Meyriska immediately panicked because baby Shaquille's health condition suddenly worsened.


The little one experienced several symptoms such as vomiting and high fever. In fact, the fever experienced by baby Shaquille almost reached 40 degrees Celsius.

9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

Due to the continuously increasing fever, baby Shaquille had to be infused. The process of installing the infusion did not go smoothly and had to be done several times because it kept failing.


Being vigilant parents, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta accompanied their baby during the hospitalization. They took turns accompanying baby Shaquille to sleep.


After a long struggle in the hospital with various treatments and medications, baby Shaquille's health condition gradually improved until finally allowed to go home.

9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

Investigations revealed that the stomach problems experienced by baby Shaquille were due to the negligence of his caregiver during Cut Meyriska's illness some time ago.

9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

It is known that the food consumed by baby Shaquille is too salty for his age. Moreover, the ingredients used for baby porridge are leftover rice from yesterday.


Under the supervision of the caregiver, it turns out that baby Shaquille also fell from the bed and hit his head on an iron bench because he was left alone.


This treatment of baby Shaquille's caregiver certainly makes Cut Meyriska angry. How could it not, the person entrusted to take care of the baby is negligent and it resulted in the child getting sick.

9 Portraits of Baby Shaquille, Cut Meyriska and Roger Danuarta's Child, Being Treated in the Hospital, Falling and Vomiting Due to Caregiver's Negligence

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