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Ade Firman Hakim Passed Away, Deva Mahenra: This Year Hits Hard

Ade Firman Hakim Passed Away, Deva Mahenra: This Year Hits Hard Deva Mahenra - Edi Firman Hakim © - 2020 has dealt a heavy blow to actor Deva Mahenra. This time, he has to lose one of his friends and colleagues. Yes, Ade Firman Hakim, one of Deva Mahenra's close friends, has just breathed his last breath on Monday (14/9/2020). 

Through his Instagram, the actor in the sitcom Tetangga Masa Gitu felt deeply saddened by Ade's departure. He even couldn't believe that his friend had passed away.

"This year hits hard. It hits so hard that I am completely knocked down and shattered. Even as I write this, I am still halfway accepting that this is really happening," Deva Mahenra wrote on his Instagram.

"Yesterday, another one of my friends has returned to the embrace of the Almighty. Among all the bitterness that can come at any time, this is the most unexpected. Truly, my heart is broken," he continued. 

1. Request for Prayers Together

As a friend and colleague, Deva Mahenra asks everyone to pray for the late Ade Firman Hakim who has passed away.

"Therefore, with all humility, we ask our friends to join us in praying that the deceased will find the best place and be forgiven for all his sins. Perhaps the deceased has made mistakes or errors, please forgive him," he said. 

2. Has a History of Severe Asthma

Previously, Ade Firman Hakim passed away allegedly due to being exposed to Covid-19. However, this was denied by his younger brother. Dai Tirta, Ade's brother, said that before his death, his brother did have a history of asthma. 

"No, it's not because of that (being exposed to Covid-19). My brother happened to have severe asthma, so that's where he collapsed," Dai Tirta said when contacted by phone on Tuesday (15/9/2020).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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