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After 6 Hours of Examination Regarding Online Gambling Promotion, Wulan Guritno: I'm Very Happy

After 6 Hours of Examination Regarding Online Gambling Promotion, Wulan Guritno: I'm Very Happy Wulan Guritno at Bareskrim Polri, Thursday (14/9) © Santoso - Actress Wulan Guritno underwent nearly 7 hours of examination regarding allegations of online gambling promotion. At around 17:15 WIB, Wulan finally met with dozens of media crew who had been waiting.

"So today I'm very happy to be able to respond to the summons for clarification," said Wulan at Bareskrim Polri, South Jakarta, Thursday (14/9/2023).

On that occasion, Wulan also expressed her gratitude to the police for inviting her to provide clarification regarding the allegations of online gambling promotion.

"I'm very happy to be given the opportunity to clarify and of course I'm very grateful, the investigators from Bareskrim are very professional," said Wulan.

1. Leave the Media Crowd Immediately

Unfortunately, Wulan had planned from the beginning to leave the media without discussing any questions asked by the investigators or the progress of the problem she faced.

Wulan and her lawyer immediately escaped into the car parked nearby where she spoke with the media. The media, who tried to get information, were ignored and Wulan's car immediately sped away.

"And I thank my loyal media friends who waited for me, now I have other work," Wulan said and then ran to her car.

2. Wulan Guritno Case

Previously reported, Wulan Guritno was suspected of promoting an online gambling site. Wulan was said to have promoted an online gambling site called Sakti123.

In the uploaded video, Wulan stated that the site was a certified online gaming platform. And after the case became public, Wulan made a statement confirming the content.

However, Wulan emphasized that she was not informed that the promoted site provided online gambling services. The third party who offered her at that time only informed her that the site featured online gaming services.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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